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例句 The evidence negatived this statement.证据否定了这种说法Marion's father counter-attacked by saying that Blaze's claims were cruel and untrue.玛丽昂的父亲反击说布拉兹的说法冷酷无情,根本是在撒谎。There was little substance to his claims.他的说法没什么根据。Jane, to her credit, did not believe her story.值得表扬的是,简不相信她的说法The White House has portrayed the President as deeply conflicted over the matter.白宫的说法是,总统在此事上举棋不定。His claims are not backed by any scientific evidence.他的说法没有任何科学依据。She agreed to give her version of events to journalists.她同意告诉记者她对这些事件的说法There are conflicting versions of the girl's death.女孩死因的说法相互矛盾。That claim is increasingly open to doubt.那一说法越来越可疑。The accident bears two explanations.这一事故的原因可以有两种说法She was secretly rehearsing various amusing ways of telling what had happened.她正在心里默默复述各种各样有趣的说法,以介绍发生的事情。His statements were not consistent with the truth. 他的说法与事实不符。Without a sensible sex education all kinds of strange and fantastic ideas will take root.没有合理的性教育,各种各样奇怪荒诞的说法都会有人相信。She rejected the insinuation that she was partly to blame.她反对影射她要负部分责任的说法This claim was slapped down by the chairman.这一说法遭到了主席的公开批评。The allegations were totally unfounded.这些说法纯属无稽之谈。I would challenge the, er, suggestion that we're in third place.我不太同意,呃,我们位居第三的说法Pointing to the calibre of the board, he dismisses the notion that he is a one-man band.他强调委员会的能力,不接受他单枪匹马、肩挑多责的说法The defense said that the victim's story was a total fabrication designed to get revenge.辩方称受害者的说法全都是捏造的,目的是为了报复。Her story just doesn't hang together.她的说法前后根本不一致。We haven't heard Mike's side of the story yet.我们还没有听取迈克的说法呢。It is ridiculous to suggest we are having a romance.暗示我们正在谈恋爱的说法真是太荒谬了。According to certain chroniclers, this great novelist was going to write no more long novels.根据某些编年史家的说法,这位伟大的小说家将不再写长篇了。The story soon got about that he had been suspended.他被停职的说法很快就传开了。This would fit the theory that he was in fact a spy.这件事符合他事实上是个间谍这一说法I have it on good authority that there's no way this light can cause skin cancer.我有来自权威人士的说法,这种光不可能引起皮肤癌。She is, by all accounts, a decent young woman.据各方面的说法来看,她是个正派的年轻女子。I cannot say definitely until I see Hunt.我要等见过亨特后才能有个明确的说法His disappearance has given added substance to the argument that he stole the money.他的失踪更是给认为他偷了钱的说法提供了佐证。That's in direct contradiction to what he said yesterday.这一说法同他昨天所说的有直接矛盾。That statement is simply incorrect.那种说法确实是错误的。She reaffirmed that the statement was true.她重申那个说法是真实的。He quoted the example of France as a country with good rail service.他举了法国为例,说法国是铁路服务很完善的一个国家。It's a matter of fact and not allegation and therefore I would say the claims my family have made have been vindicated.这是事实而不是臆断,因此我要说,我家人的说法已经被证实了。He affirmed to me categorically that the statement was true.他明确无误地向我声称那个说法是真实的。I'd like to hear his side of the story as well.我也想听听他对这件事的说法It seems reasonable to suggest that all life forms on earth share a common origin.地球上所有的生命形式有着共同的起源,这种说法似乎有道理。I have yet to hear Ray's version of what happened.我还没有听过雷对所发生的事情的说法The police don't believe his story.警方不相信他的说法This statement must be understood in the context of the entire document.这个说法必须放在整个文件当中去理解。




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