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词汇 说不定
例句 There may be more costs further down the line.往后说不定还有更多的开销。Don't throw your old clothes away, they might come back into fashion in a few years.别把旧衣服扔掉,说不定过几年这些衣服的式样又会流行起来。It is doubtful whether this will work.这一着能否奏效说不定We may not have seen the last of this controversy.这种争议说不定还没完呢。She may be a grandmother, but she's quite with it in the way she dresses.说不定已当老祖母了,可在衣着打扮方面还是挺时髦的。If you are looking for ideas, take a prowl.来回走一走吧,说不定就有想法了。The boy might turn out to be a genius. You never can tell.这男孩说不定最后还是个天才呢,谁知道呢。He may be an honest person for anything I know.说不定他是个诚实的人。They may have gone to South America, for all we know.说不定他们已经去南美洲了。The guy is probably just some freak who saw her on TV and decided he loves her.这家伙说不定只是个什么怪人,他在电视上看到她后,就认定自己爱的就是她了。If you'd told me what was wrong I could have helped.当初你如果告诉我问题出在哪里,说不定我还可以帮一把呢。Try it! You never know, you might be lucky.试试看!说不定你会有好运。Whether the protests will cease remains to be seen.抗议活动是否会停止还说不定Perhaps you will be reincarnated as a bull.说不定你将转世变为一条公牛。We could probably sell them for a pretty penny.我们说不定能把这些东西卖个好价钱呢。Don't throw away these boxes - I might want to use them later.不要扔掉这些盒子—说不定我以后用得着。I have half a mind to tell your mother about this.说不定我会把此事告诉你母亲。Bring an extra set of clothes in case you decide to stay overnight.另外带套衣服,说不定你会决定过夜呢。It is just possible that he's still here.说不定他还在这儿。It is doubtful whether she will appear again.她会不会再次出现还说不定You never know, he might offer you a part in his film.说不定他有可能在他的影片中给你提供一个角色。Not improbably we'll win.说不定我们会赢。I don't know where they are - they've probably gone upstairs for a shag.我不知道他们在哪里—说不定在楼上做爱呢。They may be dead for all we know.说不定他们已死。I don't know where she is. She could have been kidnapped for all I know.我不知道她在哪里,说不定她被人绑架了。I like to keep in with my ex-employer, you never know when you might need a reference.我愿意同以前的雇主保持良好关系,因为说不定什么时候或许会需要他的推荐信。Squatters insist that without their work, the buildings would have deteriorated to the point of being unusable.擅自占房者坚称,如果没有他们,这些楼房说不定已经破烂得不能使用了。You shouldn't have accepted a ride from him. For all you knew he might have been a mass murderer.你不应该答应坐他的汽车—说不定他是个杀人如麻的凶手。Take your skates in case you decide to go skating.把冰鞋带去,说不定你们会要滑冰呢。For all we know, he may even not be in this country.说不定他或许都已不在这个国家了。He could be a murderer for all I know.说不定他是个杀人犯。I had a feeling that the trip up to Edinburgh might turn out to be a wild goose chase.我有种感觉,这次去爱丁堡说不定是白跑一趟。A pocketknife can come in handy.一把小折刀说不定会派上用场。We are looking for George to arrive any day now.我们在期待着乔治,他说不定哪天就到。He could even be the next manager of the England team if he plays his cards right.如果他处理得好,说不定都能当上英格兰队的下任教练。It's a long shot, but it might just work.这是个大胆的尝试,但它说不定就能起作用。You should keep that paint - it might come in useful one day.你应该留着那些油漆——说不定哪天会派上用场。There might be something beyond the grave, you know, and not nothingness.人死后说不定还是有点什么的,你知道,并非万事皆空。




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