例句 |
The culture of pearls is the mainstay of this county.珍珠养殖是该县的主要经济支柱。The county expropriated the land to widen the old main road.该县征用土地用以拓宽旧的干道。Bounded on the east by Lake Winnebago, the county is traversed by the Wolf and Fox rivers.该县东临温纳贝戈湖,沃尔夫河和福克斯河穿县而过。The county was under a mandatory evacuation.该县正在进行强制疏散。The news spread abroad that a new factory was going to be built in the county.将在该县兴建一家新工厂的消息传开了。Authorities seized the drugs in one of the biggest drug hauls in the history of the county.当局查获大批量毒品,这是该县历史上最大的毒品贩运之一。City Hall keeps a record of all the births, deaths and marriages in the county.市政厅保存着该县所有的出生、死亡和结婚记录。 |