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The works produced a million tons of steel a year.该厂年产百万吨钢。Many workers believe the factory is overstaffed.很多工人认为该厂人浮于事。The soil around the plant is heavily contaminated.该厂周围的土壤受到严重污染。Automation of the factory has greatly increased its productivity.该厂的自动化大大提高了它的生产力。Productivity at the plant is in decline.该厂的生产能力正在下降。The factory has a very good safety record.该厂的安全纪录一向很好。Seventy men at the factory were made redundant.该厂有七十人作为冗员被裁。She became the best sewer in the factory.她成了该厂最好的缝纫工。Manufacturing glitches have limited the factory's output.生产中的故障影响了该厂的产量。The village is famous for its pottery, which is open to the public.这个村庄因其制陶厂而闻名,而且该厂对外开放。Despite the scare stories in the media, no jobs will be lost at the factory.尽管媒体的报道危言耸听,该厂不会有人失业。The factory is making some headway in pollution control.该厂在控制污染方面有一些进展。Much of the factory is in disuse.该厂的大部分已经废弃。The papers the factory produces are of excellent grade.该厂生产的各种纸品均质地优良。The plant had production problems; the original contractor pulled out.该厂生产上有问题;原来的订约人不肯履约。The factory produces woolen textiles.该厂生产毛纺织品。 |