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例句 Finally, in the last section of the talk I will cover a few miscellaneous topics which I think may be of interest.最后,在演讲的最后部分我将谈到一些我认为会让人感兴趣的各种话题He'd also like to know which issues his guests might be interested in discussing so he can bone up beforehand.他还想知道客人们可能喜欢谈论哪些话题,以便提前钻研一下。Atkins is extremely well educated and able to talk on a broad range of topics.阿特金斯受过非常良好的教育,能谈论各种话题She's been riding that hobbyhorse for months.这几个月她一直都在谈论她喜爱的那个话题The subject was raised at the tea table.这个话题在茶桌上被提了出来。One approach is to cloak the subject in highfalutin words and obscure concepts.一种办法是用冠冕堂皇的言辞和模棱两可的概念来掩饰这个话题The best way to break the ice is to offer her a drink.打开话题的最好方式即问她要不要饮料。We gradually brought the conversation around to the subject of his unpaid bills.我们逐渐将话题转到他的未付账单上。Clarissa was extremely voluble on the subject of good manners.克莱丽莎谈起礼仪这个话题便口若悬河。We shall return to the topic of education in Chapter 7.我们将在第七章再回到教育这个话题It's not a subject that often crops up in casual conversation.这不是闲谈中常常会冒出来的那种话题The subject of gambling has come up several times recently.赌博这个话题最近出现了好几次。We want to have a fresh look at the difficult subject of corporate fraud.我们想从新的角度探讨一下公司欺诈这个棘手的话题He tried to change the subject, but she wasn't to be put off.他努力想换个话题,但她却兴趣正浓。The subject has now been kicked into touch.这个话题现在不谈了。He tried to change the subject.他试图改变话题Dealing with the subject sensitively can help prevent a lot of pain.谨慎对待这个话题有助于防止许多痛苦。After breakfast the next morning they sat around for an hour discussing political affairs.第二天早饭后,他们闲坐着聊了一个小时政治话题He was strangely silent on the subject of Rome.他对罗马这一话题居然一言不发。Previous treatments of this topic have ignored some key issues.以前关于这个话题的讨论忽略了一些关键问题。I can see that you're getting upset. Let's just change the subject.看得出来你不高兴了。我们就换个话题吧。The conversation drifted away from babies.话题不知不觉离开了婴孩。The book doesn't discuss the topic at any length. 这本书只是简短地讨论了这个话题Some topics appeared interesting enough to require more detailed information.有些话题似乎还算有趣,值得去了解一下更详细的内容。Let's move off this subject now, all right?现在我们不谈这个话题了,好吗?She said I would have to come and visit her. I made the right noises, then changed the subject.她说我得来看望她,我随声附和,接着便改变了话题The topics lend themselves to classroom discussion.这些话题适合课堂讨论。They jumped from one topic to the next.他们从一个话题跳到了下一个话题The wedding has been the only topic of conversation for weeks.这场婚礼是几个星期中谈论的唯一话题He tried to steer the conversation away from his recent problems.他尽量把话题从他近期的问题引开。They kept skipping from one topic to another and didn't get much done.他们不断从一个话题跳到另一个话题,并未深入谈什么。She quickly segued to the next topic.她很快转到了下一个话题The new boss has been the main topic of conversation.这位新老板已经成了谈论的主要话题No one mentioned the divorce, so Lisa decided to steer clear of that subject.谁都不提离婚的事,所以莉萨决定避开这个话题I didn't want to talk about work, so I changed the subject. 我不想谈工作,所以就换了个话题The topic of her arrest dominated the conversation. 她被逮捕这一话题成了人们谈论的主要内容。The morality of capital punishment is a frequent subject of/for debate.死刑的道德性是常见的辩论话题I think we'd better leave the subject of Nationalism.我看我们最好还是搁下民族主义这个话题吧。Let's drop the subject, shall we?我们不谈这个话题,好吗?Honesty is a favourite hobby-horse for Courau.诚信是库罗最喜欢谈论的一个话题




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