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例句 His comments did nothing to ease my mind.他的话语丝毫没能平复我的思绪。His hateful words reduced me to tears. 他那充满恶意的话语使我流下了眼泪。Writing grew out of an attempt to reproduce speech in a permanent form.文字是试图将话语用永久的形式再现的产物。I listened to his words of wisdom.我聆听了他那些智慧的话语She was charmed by his friendly smile and polite words.她被他友好的微笑和礼貌的话语迷住了。Her anger melted at his kind words.听了他亲切的话语,她的怒气消失了。She reserved her harshest language for those she believed had betrayed her.她把最狠毒的话语留给了她认为背叛了自己的那些人。His voice was heavily laden with sarcasm. 他的话语充满了讽刺。Words play a tremendous role in your everyday life.话语在人们的日常生活中起着重大作用。We could tell from his slurred speech that he'd had a few.从他那含糊不清的话语中我们可以断定他喝多了。There was a note of desperation in her voice.话语中带有一丝绝望。His tactless words had incurred his father's deep displeasure.他不得体的话语使他父亲感到十分不快。I didn't use baby talk with my children, but used proper words right from the start.从一开始对孩子讲话我就没有用儿语,而是用正常的话语She had been grievously wounded by his words.她被他的话语深深地刺伤了。His kind words dissolved her sadness.他体贴的话语化解了她的悲伤。His insensitive remarks hurt and she reacted accordingly.他冷漠的话语伤害了她,她也冷漠以对。You can talk to other avatars with your words displayed in a cartoon bubble.你可以和其他玩家的虚拟化身交谈,你所键入的话语会出现在你虚拟化身头上的一个卡通对话框中。If asked his opinion, he was always ready with a few well-turned phrases. 如果问他的意见,他总是立刻可以用清楚动听的话语表达出来。He realized the truth in Adam's words.他意识到亚当话语中的真实性。His body language could shade the meaning of his words.他的肢体语言可以让他话语的含义发生细微的变化。Her reassuring words stilled our fears/apprehensions.她安慰的话语缓解了我们的恐惧/忧虑。They voiced their criticism in coded statements.他们用婉转的话语表达了批评。He is hugely combative and has written some vilely offensive remarks.他极其好斗,写过一些令人反感的冒犯性话语Buchanan said he was insulted by the judge's remarks.布坎南称法官的话语侮辱了他。Those mocking words haunted me for years.那些嘲笑的话语多年来在我脑海中挥之不去。He is a quietly spoken, thoughtful man.他是个话语轻柔、体贴周到的人。He spoke with a hint of menace.他的话语中透着一丝威胁。A good photograph can often convey far more than words.一张好照片常常能够比话语表达更多的含义。Go forth and spread the word of God.外出传播神的话语吧。His kind words brought some comfort to the grieving parents.他一番体贴的话语给悲伤的父母带来了一些安慰。I don't remember the exact words.我不记得确切的话语The denial was limited to rejecting the construction put on his remarks.这种否认仅限于不接受对他所说话语的阐释。His words will have resonance for many musicians.他的话语将在很多音乐家心里产生共鸣。Her words had an upward inflection.她的话语带着升调。She talked continually, laughing between the words.她滔滔不绝地说,不时在话语中间插入笑声。There is a grain of humour in his remarks.他的话语带几分诙谐。His funny remarks lightened the atmosphere.他风趣的话语使气氛变得轻松起来。There is a potential educational benefit in allowing pictures to tell the story, rather than the spoken word.用图片代替话语来讲述故事可能会收到更好的教育效果。The contest has become personalised, if not bitter.这场角逐开始针对个人了,甚至话语也变得尖刻起来。She found his relentless sexual innuendoes irritating.她觉得他那些没完没了的挑逗话语很讨厌。




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