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词汇 试着
例句 They tried digging in a patch just below the cave.他们试着在洞穴正下方的一块地上挖掘。There was no answer at his workplace, so Mandy tried his home number.他工作的地方没人接电话,因此曼迪试着拨打他家里的电话号码。She tries to nudge her students into reading more.试着鼓励她的学生多阅读。Lone parents are in a no-win situation. We're trying to get back to work but we can't afford it.单身父母处于左右为难的境地。既想试着回去工作,但又放心不下。He read the instructions through twice before he tried to assemble the bicycle.他把说明书通读了两遍之后才试着组装自行车。Try to see things from your wife's perspective.试着从你妻子的角度来看问题。I'm trying to make a spreadsheet up to computerize everything that's done by hand at the moment.我正试着编一个电子制表软件,以把目前所有靠人力完成的工作交由计算机完成。Try to adopt a more relaxed manner.试着换一种更加放松的方式。The boat's engine misfired after he tried to start it up.试着发动船的引擎,但打不着火。Well, you could try apologizing to her - for all the difference it will make.好吧,你可以试着去向她道歉,尽管没什么用。Bob tried the door. To his surprise it opened.鲍勃试着推了推门。令他吃惊的是,门竟然开了。Look at that little boy trying to help! Bless!看那个试着帮忙的小男孩!哎呀,好可爱!Could you try and describe the man you saw?你能试着描述一下你看见的那个人的样子吗?Before you go off half-cocked, try listening to the explanation.在你仓促行事之前,试着听听解释吧。Try to look at things from my point of view.试着从我的角度看问题。My attempt to fix it sent Lawrence into fits of laughter.试着修理它,却让劳伦斯乐得前仰后合。I was trying to invent a plausible excuse.当时我在试着编一个貌似合理的借口。I tried knocking on her door, but there was no answer.试着敲了敲她的门,但是没人应门。If you can't find any decent apples, you can always try growing them yourself.如果你找不到像样的苹果,你总还可以试着自己种。I tried the knob, and this time the door opened.试着旋动球形把手,这次门开了。Try making a note of the things which annoy you.试着把烦心事写下来。I strained my back trying to lift the couch.试着抬沙发时扭伤了背部。He had a pop at goal.试着射门。It wouldn't hurt you to do the ironing for once.试着熨一次衣服对你不会有什么害处。I've been trying to make sense of all these figures and it's doing my head in.我一直试着弄清楚这些数字的含义,结果弄得一头雾水。I hope you're not going to try and deny it.我希望你不打算试着否定此事。I've been trying to call the customer helpline, but all I'm getting is a busy signal.我一直试着给客户求助热线打电话,但得到的就只是忙音。I was divining for water because of the drought.因为大旱我试着探寻水源。Try gargling with salt water as soon as a cough begins.一开始咳嗽就马上试着用盐水漱口。You can try to run the business yourself, if you have the nerve.你有魄力的话,这生意可以自己试着经营。She tried using perfume to mask the bad odor.试着用香水遮住难闻的臭味。In my political work I try to concentrate on the big picture and not be distracted by details.在我的政治工作中,我试着着眼大局,而不是为枝节而分心。Try and forget your worries for a little while.试着暂时忘掉你的烦恼。She's trying to housebreak a puppy.她正试着训练小狗养成卫生习惯。Cedric was trying to instruct his girlfriend in the finer points of leg spin bowling.锡德里克正在试着给女朋友讲明白内旋投球的微妙之处。When peaceful methods of persuasion had failed, the government tried using coercion.和平劝说无效时,政府试着采用高压手段。Try to sing with more expression.试着唱得更富感情一些。He tried a small grin for size.试着微微露齿一笑,看是否得体。We've been trying to get back to you, Tom, but we think we took your number down incorrectly.汤姆,我们一直试着给你回电话,可是,或许我们把你的号码写错了。Try running the program again and see if it works.试着再次启动该程序,看看它是否能运行。




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