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词汇 诉说
例句 Many patients complain of headaches and difficulty sleeping when they take this drug.许多服用了此药的病人诉说有头痛和睡眠困难。Koch unloaded his concerns over dinner one night.一天晚上吃晚饭时,科克诉说了自己的担忧。He talked soberly about his life.他冷静地诉说自己的生活。She brayed out her grievances before the judge.她在法官面前大声诉说冤情。In old age the two men wrote each other wistful letters.这两个人晚年时互通信函,诉说怀旧感伤之情。The old lady next door was telling me all her troubles.隔壁老太在向我诉说她的种种不幸。He represented that his salary was inadequate.诉说自己的薪水偏低。In between sobs, he managed to tell them what had happened.他泣不成声,呜咽着向他们诉说所发生的一切。On New Year's Eve he confided that he had suffered rather troubling chest pains.新年前夕,他诉说他胸口疼得相当厉害。He inclined his ear to her tale of woe.他倾听她诉说悲苦。He confided to me that he felt like he was being punished.他向我诉说他觉得自己像是在受罚。There was no one to turn to, no one to tell.没人可以求助,没人可以诉说She could hardly speak for the ache in her heart.她难以诉说内心的痛苦。He wanted desperately to confide in someone about his feelings of failure.他渴望找个人诉说自己失败的感觉。Her voice broke as she told us what had happened.当她向我们诉说发生的一切时,声音哽咽起来。He complained of a pain in the chest.诉说胸口疼。She broke down in tears as she spoke to reporters.她向记者诉说时,忍不住哭了起来。The patient complains of pains in the head, dizziness and hallucinations.病人诉说头痛、头晕以及幻觉发生。His tale is one long whinge about his own suffering.他的故事是对自己遭遇的长篇诉说They heard sob stuff from one man about his deprived childhood in an institution.他们听到一个男人讲的悲哀故事,诉说他在孤儿院里没有欢乐的童年。The woman often complains that she fatigues easily.那个女人常诉说自己容易疲劳。He tried the usual/that old number about how his wife didn't understand him.他又故技重施,诉说妻子如何不理解他。Karen complained of hyperactivity and restlessness.卡伦诉说自己有多动、焦躁不安的问题。She spoke haltingly of her deep upset and hurt.她吞吞吐吐地诉说自己深深的苦恼及伤痛。These Jews lived to tell the tale.这些犹太人活了下来,向世人诉说悲惨的遭遇。She is always complaining that her health is poor.她老是诉说自己身体不好。They have started pouring out their hearts and expressing their hopes and fears about the present situation.他们开始敞开心扉,诉说他们对现状的期望和担忧。Don't dramatize your problems.别夸大其词地诉说你的问题了。The meeting gave employees an opportunity to air their grievances.这次会议给了雇员一次诉说不满的机会。They bleat about how miserable they are.他们诉说他们的生活是多么悲惨。The cows were lowing their unease.这些牛哞哞叫着,似乎在诉说它们的不安。Listen to your child's worries and fears, however illogical they may seem.倾听孩子诉说自己的忧虑和恐惧,不管它是否合理。He complained of feeling curiously weak and faint.诉说感到莫名地虚弱和头晕。The workers had complained of headaches and nausea.工人们都诉说感到头疼、恶心。She started telling me about her bad back, her migraines, and so forth.她开始向我诉说她背痛啦、偏头痛啦等等。They were feeling better after airing their grievances.他们在诉说委屈之后感觉好些了。She complained of feeling permanently exhausted.诉说老觉得疲惫不堪。Watt found a sympathetic ear when he described his family's situation to Captain Schiller.瓦特向席勒船长诉说他的家庭状况,他找到了倾诉的对象。He spoke ambivalently about his feelings for his family.他带着矛盾的心情诉说自己对家人的感情。She told of her sufferings at the hands of her oppressors.诉说了她在压迫者手上所遭受的折磨。




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