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By getting the design right, you can cut down on accidents.改进设计可以减少意外事故。Water companies will have to cut down on wastage.自来水公司需要减少浪费。Try to cut down on the amount of animal fat that you eat.要尽量减少动物脂肪的摄入量。Most of us know we should cut down on fat. But knowing such things isn't much help when it comes to shopping and eating.我们大多数人都知道应该减少脂肪的摄入量。但是在购物和吃东西的时候,这些常识就丢到一边去了。The doctor advised me to cut down on smoking and alcohol.医生建议我少抽烟喝酒。I've cut down on the number of cigarettes I smoke, but I'd like to cut out smoking altogether.我吸烟已经比以前少了,但我还是想完全戒掉。When big City firms cut down on their entertainments, we shall know that times really are hard.当伦敦商业区的大公司削减他们的娱乐活动开支,我们就知道世道真的变得艰难了。To cut down on competition, the government passed price controls on prescription drugs.为减少竞争,政府通过了处方药价格控制方案。It seems a false economy to me to cut down on libraries.在我看来,减少图书馆的数量并不是真正的节约。We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road.我们需要通过减少路上行驶的车辆以降低燃料消耗。The recession has forced a lot of companies to cut down on graduate recruitment.经济衰退迫使很多公司减少毕业生的招聘人数。The photographer used a lens hood to cut down on glare.摄影师使用镜头遮光罩来去除炫光。The car's headlights are designed to cut down on glare.这种汽车前灯的设计可减少眩光。She is trying to cut down on fatty foods.她试图少吃高脂肪食品。If you want to play safe, cut down on the amount of salt you eat.如果想要谨慎点的话,就减少盐的摄入量。Community policing has helped cut down on crime in the neighborhood.社区治安巡逻减少了犯罪案件的发生。I'm trying to cut down on fatty foods.我现在尽量少吃含脂肪多的食物。In a recession, consumers could be expected to cut down on non-essentials like toys.经济不景气时,消费者可能会减少在类似玩具等非必需品上的支出。He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.他喝咖啡和吸烟都比以前少了,饮食也均衡了。I'm trying to cut down on sweets.我尽量少吃甜食。She suggested he cut down on his drinking.她建议他少喝酒。Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.大部分学校很不愿意为减少开支而裁员。I'm trying to cut down on meat.我在设法少吃肉。He tried to cut down on smoking but failed.他试图少抽烟,但没成功。Gloves help cut down on blistering and damage to the hands when digging and raking.刨地或耙地时戴上手套可以减少双手起泡和受伤。We need to cut down on our expenses.我们必须削减开支。I've had to cut down on the amount of money I spend on clothes.我已不得不削减买衣服的开支。She's already cut down on going out and buying clothes, but she doesn't have enough money to start paying off her debts.她已经减少了出去约会和买衣服的花费,但还是不够钱还债。I've been trying to cut down on the stuff that I cart around with me.我一直在尽量减少随身带来带去的东西。It's easy to cut down on fat without changing your diet too much.饮食无需太大的改变就可以轻松减少脂肪。I've tried to cut down on milk products.我已经尽量少吃乳制品了。 |