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例句 He claims to be innocent, but the evidence suggests otherwise. 他说自己是无辜的,可是证据显示并非如此。There was no evidence to link the brigade to any conspiracy against Mr Bush.没有证据显示这帮人和反对布什先生的阴谋有关系。It could not be proven that the suspect stole the money.没有证据显示这个嫌疑犯偷了钱。The County Sheriff emphasized that there was no evidence to show that the driver had been drinking.郡法官强调说,没有证据显示这名司机喝过酒。Evidence suggests there's a connection between the languages.证据显示这些语言之间存在关联。There is no evidence that the virus is communicable. 没有证据显示这种病毒具有传染性。There is evidence that a new variant of the disease has recently been found in Britain.证据显示这种疾病的新变体最近已在英国发现。There's no proof of her complicity in the murder.没有证据显示她是谋杀案的共犯。There is only scanty evidence of his involvement.只有零星的证据显示他牵涉其中。There was no visible evidence that humans had ever lived in this valley.没有明显的证据显示有人类曾经在这个山谷里生活过。Evidence is mounting that only a small minority of cases are caused by oxygen deprivation.越来越多的证据显示,只有少数病例是缺氧所致。Evidence suggests that the private car was deliberately uncoupled.证据显示那辆私家车是被故意拆卸的。There is no evidence of any serious attempt to internationalize regulations pertaining to these substances.没有任何证据显示有人曾真正努力把与这些物质有关的规章置于国际管控之下。The FBI confronted Schmidt with the evidence of his part in the murder plot.联邦调查局拿出证据与施密特对证,证据显示他参与了谋杀阴谋。There is no evidence to suggest criminal involvement.没有证据显示与犯罪有牵涉。Evidence suggests that many Ebola infections are asymptomatic. 证据显示许多埃博拉病毒的感染是无症状的。Evidence bears out the idea that students learn best in small groups.证据显示,学生以小组方式学习效果最佳。Evidence that the world's population is increasing faster than ever implies a gloomy prospect for humanity: starvation.证据显示世界人口正以前所未有的速度在不断地增长,这意味着人类将要面临一个令人沮丧的现实,那就是饥饿。There's a good deal of evidence to show that eating red meat can cause heart disease.有大量证据显示,食用红色肉类会导致心脏疾病。The evidence implicated many government officials in the conspiracy. 证据显示许多政府官员与此阴谋有牵连。There is growing evidence of drug-smuggling activities in and around the port.越来越多的证据显示,在港口以及附近一带有毒品走私活动。There is no evidence correlating height and intelligence.没有证据显示身高与智力相关。Evidence suggests a link between asthma and pollution.证据显示哮喘和污染有关系。There is evidence that Huang had access to classified information.证据显示黄接触过机密文件。He says there is not a scintilla of evidence to link him to any controversy.他说没有丝毫证据显示他与任何争端有关。There is evidence that he has consorted with criminals.证据显示他和犯罪分子厮混在一起。There was no evidence that he was concerned in any criminal activity.没有证据显示他与犯罪活动有牵连。The evidence shows that this area was probably the site of a Roman settlement.证据显示,这个地区可能是一个古罗马村落的遗址。The weight of evidence is that unemployment leads to all sorts of health problems.大量证据显示失业会导致各种健康问题。The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers.这一证据显示,单身父亲比单身母亲更有可能去工作。




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