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词汇 alarms
例句 Smoke alarms can be set off by smoke from cigarettes, cooking, and fireplaces.香烟、烹调的油烟,以及壁炉的烟都可以触发烟雾报警器。The trouble with car alarms is that they often go off accidentally.汽车警报器的毛病是常常会意外地报警。Over the past two weeks, hazmat crews have been flooded with anthrax false alarms.在过去的几个星期里,危险物品处理队收到了大量的炭疽病毒假警报。By law, you are obliged to install smoke alarms in the factory.依据法律,你有义务在工厂安装烟雾报警器。The thick smoke set off the school's fire alarms.浓烟触发了学校的消防警铃。Some car alarms have no visual indication that they are in operation.有些汽车报警器从外观上看不出是处于工作状态。They have ignored repeated alarms about the dangers of smoking.他们对于吸烟有害的一再警告置之不理。Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms was more widespread.如果在更广的范围内安装报警器,就可能挽救成百上千的生命。As a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are fitting burglar alarms.因为越来越担心住宅安全,更多的人在安装防盗报警器。Half the houses had been fitted with alarms and ours hadn't.有半数的房子安装了警报器,不过我们家没有。Burglars are windy of burglar alarms.撬窃犯害怕防盗报警装置。Smoke alarms could have prevented these needless deaths.烟雾报警器本可以避免这些不必要的死亡。The thieves somehow got past all the alarms.小偷想方设法穿越了所有的警报装置。The noise of car alarms nettled him.汽车的警报声使他很恼火。We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases.我们在各层楼梯都安装有完全可用的烟雾警报器。Economists have been raising/sounding alarms about a possible recession.经济学家一直在警告可能会出现经济衰退。Excess noise can be reduced by muting alarms and telephones.减弱警报声和电话声可以降低过度的噪音。Emily shouted over the din of the alarms.埃米莉在警报的嘈杂声中大声叫喊。Photocells are used in burglar alarms.光电管被应用于防盗警报器中。Fire alarms have been installed in the building.楼里安装了火警报警器。Despite burglar alarms and window locks, homes are never impregnable against determined thieves.即使家里装上防盗警报器并锁好窗户,也挡不住贼心不死的小偷。




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