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Now I see why you took it so big when you heard his remark.现在我明白了你听到他的议论时为什么反应如此强烈。The President's speech provoked much discussion.总统的演说引发了许多议论。The ultimate sin was not infidelity, but public mention which led to scandal.最大的罪过不是通奸而是公众议论,是它导致了丑闻的发生。It is the subject of general remark.这是人们普遍议论的题目。I don't wish to reflect on your sincerity.我不想议论你的缺乏诚意。People are beginning to talk about her.人们开始议论起她来了。She often argued politics with Karl.她常常与卡尔议论政治。It was argued that the group's activities presented a threat to national security.人们议论说该团体的活动对国家的安全构成了威胁。People will talk if they see us together.看到我们在一起,人们就会议论。Harry's closed expression did not invite further comment.哈里那种旁若无人的表情并没有招致更多的议论。These comments are no reflection on your motives.这些议论决不是在批评你的动机。Barry gets easily offended by comments about his parents’ divorce.一听到有人议论他父母离婚的事,巴里就会生气。I know what people are saying – but none of it is true.我知道人们在议论些什么,但都不是真的。The king knew that the courtiers were whispering.国王知道大臣们在窃窃私语地议论。The whole town was gossiping about them.全镇的人都在议论他们。The talk of redundancies has put the wind up us.裁员的议论使我们感到紧张不安。The proposed changes to the law have been the subject of much debate.对这部法律提出的修改意见引发了大家的诸多议论。I couldn't resist the obvious comment.我忍不住作了这番平淡无奇的议论。All this talk about Emma - her ears must be burning!听听大家这个议论啊——埃玛耳朵不发热才怪!Others debate, but the king wills.臣僚议论,君主裁夺。He doesn't mind what people say. All the criticism seems to have washed over him.人们的议论他全不在意,所有的批评对他似乎都是耳边风。 He's forever making comments about my weight.他老是议论我的体重。Tom said that the political noise came mainly from the businessmen.汤姆说政治议论主要来自商人。He got into trouble over a comment about his wife's mother.他因议论岳母而惹出是非。These are mere bladders of argument.这些仅仅是空议论。The dictates of my father were not to be altered, innovated or even discussed.父命不容改变,更动,甚至议论。There's been a lot of buzz about the new movie.关于这部新电影有很多议论。Don't take any notice of others' comments.不要理会别人的议论。All this backbiting is destroying company morale.背后的这些议论影响着公司的士气。The whole neighborhood talks about it.整个街坊都在议论这件事。His remarks were perfectly otiose.他的议论完全是多余的。There's been quite a buzz about the new movie.关于这部新电影有很多议论。They tell the most bizarre stories about him.他们在议论他的一些最怪异的事情。!I felt that everyone was whispering about me.我感到每个人都在低声议论我。Everyone is talking about him.人人都在议论他。His entire argument was simply mush.他的通篇议论全是空话。At the moment, any talk of a move is pure speculation.现在,任何关于举措的议论都纯属猜测。If you have something to say, why not say it to my face instead of whispering it behind my back?!如果你有话要说,干吗要背地里议论而不当着我的面说?The noise of it had reached his ears.关于此事的议论他已有所耳闻。People will talk, but you have to get on with your life.人们会有议论,但日子还得过下去。 |