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词汇 让步
例句 The government seems unable or unwilling to make further concessions.政府似乎不能或者不愿意作进一步的让步You'll have to make some concessions for your project to achieve primacy in the agenda.你必须做出一些让步才能让你的计划在议程中取得首位。He has given in to my views.他已让步,接受了我的看法。The police capitulated and allowed the march to go ahead.警察只好让步,允许游行继续下去。Sophie couldn't really do anything and so she gave way.索菲实在是没有办法了,只得让步The Church has been criticized for being intransigent on the issues of abortion and birth control.教会因在人工流产和节育问题上不肯让步而受到批评。We can't comply with all your requests, but we can meet you halfway.我们不能完全按你的要求做,但可以做些让步The King made major concessions to end the confrontation with his people.为了结束与其臣民的冲突,国王作出了很大的让步France has been the holdout in trying to negotiate an end to the dispute.在试图协商解决争端时,法国不肯让步The government cannot be seen as giving in to terrorists' demands.政府是不会让步答应恐怖分子的要求的。We will try to force further concessions from the government.我们打算迫使政府作出进一步的让步They are using the hostages as a lever to gain concessions.他们把人质当作迫使对方让步的一种手段。She gave in with bad grace.她不情愿地让步了。The Unionists dismiss the accord as a package of concessions to the IRA.统一党党员不接受该协定,认为是对爱尔兰共和军的一揽子让步Strike leaders are privately saying they would like an end to the dispute, but don't want to be seen to be caving in.罢工领导人私下里说,他们希望结束争端,但是不想被看成是一种让步The employers will have to be ready to compromise if they want to avoid a strike.雇主若想避免罢工,就得作好让步的准备。He accused the government of intransigence.他指责政府不肯让步The two countries reached an agreement after each had given a little.双方稍作让步后两国达成了协议。No concession can bridge over the chasms between the two groups.无论何种让步也不能弥合这两个集团间的裂缝。I didn't think they'd give in so easily.我没想到他们会这么轻易就让步I gave in to him, and I've regretted it ever since.我向他让步了,后来我一直为此后悔不已。Can we at least meet halfway on this?在这个问题上我们至少可以做些让步吗?The strike has been going on for weeks, and neither side seems willing to give in.罢工已经持续数周,双方似乎都不愿让步The company says that workers are not conceding enough in negotiations.公司方面说劳方在谈判中未做出足够让步The President might be willing to compromise on defense spending.总统在国防开支问题上或许会愿意让步The owners agreed to meet the strikers halfway.雇主同意向罢工者让步She shows no/little inclination to give in to their demands.对于他们的要求,她一点让步的意思都没有。The Catholics refused to budge.天主教徒们不肯让步Another strike will force the government to concede.再一次罢工将会迫使政府让步The committee finally backed down over the issue of spending cuts.委员会最终在削减开支这件事上作出了让步I pressed my parents until they finally gave in and registered me for skating classes.我不断缠着父母,直到他们最终让步,给我报了溜冰班。In their eagerness for a settlement, they were prepared to make too many compromises.他们渴望达成和解,已经准备好作出过多的让步The government backed down at the last minute in a confrontation with the rail workers.在与铁路工人的对抗中,政府在最后时刻作了让步When threatened, the government blinked and agreed to move the missiles.政府在受到威胁时做出了让步,同意将导弹移走。His only concession to the formality of the occasion was to wear a tie.他对这个正式场合作出的唯一让步是系一条领带。They debated whether to compromise with the opposition parties.他们争论是否向那些反对党派让步His statement is seen as an attempt to climb down from the strong denial he made yesterday.他的声明被看作是对其昨天强硬否定态度的一种让步The strikes forced the government to make major concessions.罢工迫使政府作出了巨大让步The president made many concessions to Senate members to ease passage of the bill.为了使法案顺利通过,总统对参议院成员作了很多让步The Washington rumour mill suggests that the president secured his narrow majority only by promising all sorts of concessions.华盛顿的谣言工厂暗示总统是在承诺作出种种让步后才获得微弱多数票的。




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