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I spent two days in hospital on a drip.我在医院打了两天点滴。Show your appreciation by little acts of kindness.通过点滴善行来表达你的感激之情吧。The book authentically describes the small details of her daily life.本书如实记述了她日常生活中的点滴细节。This book is full of the most fascinating gobbets of information.这本书里到处是十分有趣的点滴信息。David was hooked up to a saline drip.大卫在打生理盐水的点滴。We should be grateful/thankful for small mercies. 对于点滴恩惠我们也应心存感激。Each increment of knowledge tells us more of our world.知识的点滴增长都会增进我们对世界的认知。 |