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例句 His speech included some personal remarks about me that I found offensive.我认为他的演讲中有一些对我人身攻击的冒犯言论Such a statement could lay her open to ridicule.这种言论会让人家笑话她。I was shocked by the blatant racism of his remarks.他公开的种族主义言论令我震惊。At no time did anyone involved speak to the press.任何相关人员都没有向媒体发表过言论His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. 他的种族言论在报纸上激起了一场风波。The minister's provocative remarks were widely reported in the press.部长的煽动性言论在新闻界广为报道。His disapproval of the war looks good to voters, but I bet it's just a pose.他的反战言论看起来很受选民欢迎,但我敢肯定他只是做做样子。As a politician, he was a bull in a china shop and often had to apologize for his rough speech.作为从政者,他有点鲁莽,经常得为自己的草率言论道歉。She's been floating trial balloons about a possible run for Congress.她一直在发表有可能参与国会竞选的试探性言论This is a book full of provocative suggestions.这本书充满煽动性言论He was known for his incendiary remarks, most of them unprintable in a family newspaper.他以发表煽动性言论闻名,许多不宜刊登在以家庭为目标读者的报纸上。Before the scandal erupted, Grieg was talked about as a future presidential candidate.丑闻发生之前,有言论认为葛理格是未来的总统候选人。Those statements have never been reported in the Western media.那些言论从来没有被西方媒体报道过。The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.言论已引发激烈的争议。His critical remarks ruffled some feathers. = His critical remarks ruffled a few feathers.他的批评言论激怒了一些人。Many teachers saw the statement as a vicious slander on their profession.许多教师把这一言论看作是对他们职业的恶意诋毁。You are assisting in spreading falsehoods, in uttering libels.你在帮助散布谎言谬误,发表诽谤言论My imprudent utterances displeased her.我的鲁莽言论招致她的不悦。Despite their tough anti-American rhetoric, the government is privately trying to maintain good relations with the U.S..尽管他们发表强硬的反美言论,政府仍试图私下与美国保持良好关系。He was fired for making racist remarks during an interview.他因在采访期间发表种族主义言论而被解雇。The Prime Minister has repudiated racist remarks made by a member of the Conservative Party.首相已经驳斥了一个保守党成员的种族主义言论Warren sued him for libel over the remarks.沃伦就此言论起诉他诽谤。There has been no response from Whitehall about the claims.对于这些言论,英国政府还没有做出任何回应。Isabelle was quickly called on the carpet for her remarks.因为言论不当,伊莎贝尔很快被叫去训斥了一顿。Such remarks are both offensive and untrue.这种言论既令人恼火又不属实。That magazine prints a lot of bilge about celebrities.这本杂志刊登了许多关于名人的无聊言论Efforts to silence opposition have so far been unsuccessful.对反对派言论的压制目前来说还远未成功。The rumpus has made all the optimistic statements about unity and harmony ring a little hollow.这一番吵闹使得所有关于团结和谐的乐观言论听起来都显得有几分空洞。That remark lacks taste.那番言论缺乏判断力。He's always making inane remarks.他老是发表愚蠢空洞的言论The essay is little more than flag-waving.这篇文章不过是爱国主义的偏激言论而已。Mr Warren sued him for libel over the remarks.沃伦先生控告他散布诽谤性言论The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.言辞激烈的右翼领袖在会后收敛了他的好战言论The remark about an election inevitably gave rise to widespread speculation.有关选举的这番言论不可避免地引起了广泛的猜测。He was accused of spreading propaganda.他被控散布错误言论It's a shame the way that the media can twist your words and misrepresent you.媒体歪曲他人言论、曲解他人意图的做法真是可耻。She was opposed to new laws to muzzle the press.她反对钳制媒体言论的新法律。She flew at him for making a very anti-British remark.她攻击他激烈的反英言论She made one of her sweeping statements about foreigners.她又发表了一条有关外国人的片面言论He was convinced that AIG was trying to put him out of business, a contention that AIG would not comment on.他确信美国国际集团试图逼他破产,美国国际集团未对此言论发表意见。




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