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词汇 秘书
例句 The secretary enrolled our names.秘书登记了我们的名字。His wife discovered that he was fooling around with his secretary.他的妻子发现他与秘书有染。The secretary did the bookwork of the business.秘书做企业的日常文书工作。The work was turned over to the secretary.这项工作移交给了秘书I'm just a glorified secretary.我只不过是个美其名曰的秘书She found out that her husband was sleeping with his secretary.她发现丈夫和他的秘书通奸。There will be no pay increases for staff at secretarial level and below.秘书级别及其以下的工作人员将不增加工资。A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work.雇了一个秘书来减轻她一些行政工作的负担。Please telephone and make arrangements with my secretary.请来电和我的秘书商定安排事宜。Have your secretary set up a meeting for Thursday.让你的秘书在周四安排一次会议。His secretary rang through to his home.秘书把电话打到了他家。My secretary is at your service.我的秘书随时为你效劳。I'll have my secretary set a date and we'll meet for lunch.我会叫秘书定个日子我们一起吃午饭。She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company.她在一家保险公司担任双语秘书She agreed to act as his secretary.她同意做他的秘书My secretary was becoming difficult, so I kicked her upstairs and made her secretary of the company.我的秘书开始变得别别扭扭的,所以我把她明升暗降地调去担任公司的秘书He had an extramarital affair with his secretary.他与秘书发生了婚外情。My secretary's been off with flu for the past week.我的秘书上周得了流感没来上班。His secretary says he will be incommunicado for the rest of the day.他的秘书说他当天余下的时间都没空。She didn't feel good about having to fire her secretary.她不得不开除自己的秘书,这让她感到不悦。It's difficult to describe my job. I suppose I'm a cross between a secretary and a translator.我的工作难以形容。我想大概是秘书和翻译的混合体。She couldn't attend the meeting, so she sent her secretary in her place.因不能参加会议,她让秘书代她出席。We realized it wouldn't be easy to find another secretary.我们意识到再找一位秘书不会很容易。She found out that her husband was messing around with his secretary.她发现丈夫和他的秘书偷情。His secretary shielded him from importunate visitors.他的秘书为他挡开了纠缠不休的来访者。Do you have any teaching/legal/medical/secretarial/academic qualifications?你有没有教师/法律/医学/秘书/学术的资格证书?We thought there was some hanky-panky going on between him and his secretary.我们认为他和他的秘书关系暧昧。She's a personal assistant, as distinct from a secretary.她是私人助理而不是秘书That new secretary of yours is a real find!你的那位新秘书是难得的人才!The secretary was wearing a blue chiffon blouse.这个秘书穿著一件蓝色的雪纺绸衬衫。The manager buzzed for his secretary.经理按蜂鸣器叫他的秘书She's a real slave driver. One of her secretaries had a nervous breakdown last year.她真苛刻,去年她有个秘书都精神崩溃了。Pop it in the post, or get your secretary to fax it.把它扔进邮筒,或者让你的秘书传真过来。Sharing my office with the two secretaries proved an unsatisfactory arrangement.我和两个秘书合用一间办公室,这是一种不恰当的安排。Lord Wincanton appreciated his secretary's discretion and his fidelity.温坎顿阁下欣赏秘书的谨慎和忠诚。I guess I can always ring her secretary.我想我总还是能给她的秘书打电话的。She penned a short memo to her secretary.她给秘书写了个简短的备忘录。We don't have a secretary as such, but we do have a student who comes in to do some filing.我们没有真正意义上的秘书,不过确实有个学生来做些文件整理工作。Sort the files into batches and give one batch to each secretary.把文件一份份地整理好,然后给每个秘书一份。She buzzed her secretary to say she was going out for lunch.她按蜂鸣器通知秘书她要出去吃午饭。




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