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词汇 角落里
例句 Oleg was in the far corner, at a table by the window.奥列格坐在远处角落里一张靠窗的桌子旁。There was an old piano in the corner of the living room.起居室的角落里有架旧钢琴。He was sitting in a darkened corner of the room.他坐在房间黑暗的角落里For months I've been plotting to buy a chair for that corner.几个月来我一直在打算买把椅子放在那个角落里Her clothes lay heaped together in a corner of the room.她的衣服堆在房间的角落里A body lay in the corner, transfixed by a spear.角落里躺着一具尸体,是被长矛刺死的。The kitchen now is a dark cavern, with an antiquated black stove in a corner.厨房现在黑洞洞的,角落里有只破旧的黑色炉子。Some plants actually prefer a lot of shade, which is fortunate for gardeners choosing plants for gloomy corners.有些植物反而喜欢阴暗,这对想找些植物种在阴暗角落里的花匠来说真是好事。I watched him from a shadowy corner.我躲在一个阴暗的角落里观察他。His eyes were drawn to a bundle of papers in the corner.他注意到角落里的一捆文件。When I was a child I would lie awake imagining that there were monsters in the dark corners of my room.小时候我经常会躺在床上,想象着房间的黑暗角落里有怪物。Chuck it over there/into the corner.把它扔到那儿/角落里就行了。She tipped over the chair and collapsed into the corner with a splintering crash.坐在椅子上的她翻倒了,咔嚓一下摔在了角落里Books were heaped up in the corner of the room.书被堆在屋子的角落里We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room.我们藏在房间一个隐蔽的角落里There was a piano in the far corner of the room.房间的对面角落里有一架钢琴。Prop the brush in the corner of the cupboard.把刷子放在柜子的角落里Frances left the two of them snogging in a dark corner and went back to the dance floor.弗朗西丝留下他们俩在一个幽暗的角落里接吻,自己回舞池去了。The uncovered bucket in the corner stank.角落里那只未盖盖子的桶散发着臭味。I'm planning on putting a bed of perennials in that corner of the yard.我打算在庭院的那个角落里搭个多年生植物的苗床。In the corner of the room were a broken chair and a rickety old desk.房间的角落里放着一把破椅子和一张摇摇晃晃的旧书桌。The plant in the corner was wilting, its brilliant yellow petals scattered on the floor.角落里那株花正在枯萎,金黄色的花瓣散落在地上。As my eyes became used to the darkness I could make out a bed in the corner of the room.当我的眼睛适应了黑暗时,我看到房间的角落里有一张床。There was a television set in the corner of the room.屋子的角落里有台电视机。Tuck indoor bulbs that have finished flowering into odd corners of the garden.把开过花的室内球茎植物塞进花园的僻静角落里They conversed quietly in the corner of the room.他们在房间角落里小声交谈。We ate in a corner booth at the restaurant.我们在餐厅角落里的包厢吃饭。She was waiting in a dark corner, huddled against the wall.她紧贴着墙在暗角落里等着。He sat in the corner of a second-class carriage.他坐在一节二等车厢的角落里The waiter led us to a corner table.侍者把我们带到角落里的一张桌子。He sat down on the seat and squashed me into the corner.他在座位上坐下,把我往角落里挤。He took careful note of the suspicious-looking man in the corner of the bar.他十分注意酒吧角落里那个形迹可疑的人。Two frightened children were hiding in a corner of the room.两个惊慌的小孩躲在房间的角落里Children rushed to hide in the farthest corners of the garden.孩子们冲到花园最远的角落里藏起来。There's just one free table, over there in the corner.只有一张桌子空着,在那边的角落里He showed me the coin briefly and then secreted it in some dark corner of his house.他把硬币给我稍稍一看,就把它藏到他家里一个黑暗的角落里去了。With flat roofs, you often find that rain collects in the corners.在平屋顶上经常会看到角落里积水。The stage is squashed into a small corner of the field.舞台被挤到了场地上的一个小角落里There was a camera squinting at him from the corner of the office.办公室角落里一架摄像机正偷偷对着他。Bees deal with the parasites by corralling them in a corner of the hive.蜜蜂对付寄生虫的办法是把寄生虫封堵在蜂巢的角落里




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