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例句 She tried to see things through his eyes.她尽力从他的视角看问题。The article gives the reader a fresh angle on pop culture.这篇文章使读者以新的视角看待通俗文化。The film offers a unique perspective on the issue.这部电影从独特的视角研究那个问题。The stage rotates giving the audience a constantly changing view.舞台旋转能给观众带来不断变换的视角We have to look at everything from an international perspective.我们必须以国际的视角来看待一切问题。The discipline of social policy itself takes on a more internationalist perspective.社会政策自身的制定更具国际主义视角He is co-author, with Andrew Blowers, of 'The International Politics of Nuclear Waste'.他与安德鲁·布洛尔斯合著了《国际政治视角下的核废料》一书。Thanks to the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunset.由于站的位置视角好,他刚好能看见日落。This report may have given me a distorted perspective.这份报告可能给了我一个歪曲的视角The story is told through the eyes of a refugee child.故事是以一个避难儿童的视角讲述的。The football arena was so designed that every seat had a good view of the field.美式橄榄球赛场这样设计,是为了让每位观众都能有个好视角A writer must maintain a relatively consistent perspective or tone.作家必须保持相对一贯的视角或格调。The new current affairs series promises to address challenging issues with freshness and rigour.新的时事系列节目承诺以全新的视角和严谨的态度谈论有争议性的问题。Our work in Uganda and Romania adds a wider perspective.在乌干达和罗马尼亚的工作经历更加开阔了我们的视角He was considering the idea from all angles.他从多个视角来考虑这个想法。This lively book presents a refreshing new perspective on a crucial period in our history.关于如何看待我们历史上的一段关键时期,这本富有活力的书呈现出令人耳目一新的视角I had seriously considered telling the story from the point of view of the wives.我认真考虑过从为人妻者的视角来讲述这个故事。Mr. Lane's film takes a highly romanticized view of life on the streets.莱恩先生的电影从一个非常理想化的视角描述流浪街头的生活。She encourages her students to open their minds and try to see things from new perspectives.她鼓励学生开放思想,努力从新的视角看待问题。Because she's not involved, she can see the bigger picture.因为她是局外人,所以视角更宽广。The view is very different when it is seen from another angle.视角不同,看到的景色会相差很大。The story is told through the eyes of Inspector Simon Potter.这个故事是从西蒙·波特巡官的视角讲述的。The story is told from the viewpoint of someone who grew up during the Great Depression.故事是从一个成长于大萧条时期的人的视角讲述的。This drawing of the monastery was done from an unusual angle.这幅素描是以独特的视角来表现那座寺院的。She broke new ground when she filed her report on the Spanish Civil War.她发回的关于西班牙内战的报道开拓了新的视角She drew the building from several different perspectives.她从几个不同的视角描绘了那栋建筑。This latest study explores stress from a unique perspective.这项最新研究通过一个独特的视角探讨压力。It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale.早该从全球视角考虑这个问题了。The story is told through the eyes of a child.故事是以一个小孩的视角来讲述的。He helped us see the problem from a new perspective. 他帮助我们从一个新的视角看待这个问题。The book tells the story of a murder investigation from the point of view of the chief suspect.本书从主要嫌疑犯的视角讲述了一起谋杀案的调查过程。The Disney team put planners in wheelchairs, both literally and virtually, so that they could see the hospital from the patient's perspective.在现实和虚拟两种环境中,迪士尼团队都让规划者坐上轮椅,这样他们就能从病人的视角观察那座医院。Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject.她的态度为这一问题提供了新的视角Even if you disagree with her, you should try to see things from her point of view. 即使你和她意见相左,你也应该尽量从她的视角看问题。We are very bad at thinking outside the confines of our own time and perspective.我们非常不善于摆脱自己时代和视角的局限去思考。The three of them narrate the same events from three perspectives.他们三人从三个不同的视角叙述了同样的事件。This website puts a completely different perspective on world news.这个网站从一种截然不同的视角出发解读国际新闻。The novel is written from a child's perspective.这部小说是以一个孩子的视角写的。How you see the building depends on your angle of vision.你如何看待这一建筑取决于你的视角We need to look at this problem with a fresh eye. 我们应该从新的视角看待这一问题。




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