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词汇 视而不见
例句 He is blind to his son's faults.他对儿子的缺点视而不见We can no longer claim ignorance about the effects of pollution or continue to turn a blind eye.我们不再被说是忽视污染的影响或继续视而不见Frescoes are so familiar a feature of Italian churches that it is easy to take them for granted.壁画在意大利教堂里是司空见惯的,以至于人们往往会视而不见Their political dogma has blinded them to the real needs of the country.他们的政治信条使他们对国家的真正需求视而不见She was gazing with unseeing eyes at the harbour.她以视而不见的目光凝望着港口。How can you be so blind – he's obviously lying?你怎么会这样视而不见,他显然是在撒谎?We can't just look the other way while these violations of basic human rights continue to occur.这些违反基本人权的事件接连发生,我们决不能视而不见Corruption in the police force is rampant, but authorities are turning a blind eye.警察部门腐败猖獗,但当局对此却视而不见George ignored his partner's infidelities.乔治对伴侣的不忠行为视而不见Colleges can't afford to turn a blind eye to alcohol abuse.高校不能对酗酒视而不见The press typically ignores a problem until it causes a crisis.新闻界通常对问题视而不见,直到它酿成危机。Ignoring the crime problem won't make it go away.对犯罪问题视而不见并不会使其自行消失。They stand mute and unseeing before these violations.面对这些违规行为他们竟一言不发,视而不见People seem very willing to ignore the risks.人们似乎非常乐于对这些风险视而不见She seems blind to his faults.她似乎对他的缺点视而不见The government cannot close its eyes to this disease.政府不能对这种疾病视而不见The Party ruled the country without regard for the people's views.该党治国对民意视而不见I can't turn a blind eye when someone is being robbed.当有人遭到抢劫时,我不能视而不见She looked, unseeing, at the window.视而不见地对着窗子看。She's so wrapped up in him she can't see his faults.她对他非常倾心,连他的缺点都视而不见Is the public wilfully / willfully blind to what is going on?难道公众对所发生的事情有意视而不见吗?They had shut their eyes and ears to everything.他们对一切都视而不见,充耳不闻。His manners had always made her blind to his faults.他彬彬有礼的举止让她总是对他的缺点视而不见She has a blind spot concerning her son's behavior.她对儿子的行为视而不见It is all too easy to lose sight of what is happening at our own doorstep.自家门口发生的事情,是最容易视而不见的。I said hello but she looked straight through me.我跟她打了个招呼,而她却对我视而不见His shortcomings were apparent to all but his most besotted admirers.他的缺点在众人眼中显而易见,唯独那些痴迷于他的仰慕者对此视而不见Many parents put on blinders when their teenagers start staying out late.许多父母在他们十几岁的孩子开始晚归时选择视而不见We were all ignoring the unpleasant truth.我们都对那不愉快的事实视而不见Even assuming that smokers do see the health warnings, I doubt they'll take any notice.即便假定抽烟者看到了烟盒上的健康警示,我觉得他们也会视而不见Most governments must simply be shutting their eyes to the problem.大多数政府肯定会索性对那个问题视而不见David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.戴维英俊的长相和完美的举止总是让她对他的缺点视而不见The diesel fumes from the buses are not easily ignored.公共汽车排放的柴油发动机尾气很难视而不见They passed by unheeding.他们视而不见地走过去了。We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth.我们对最浅显的事实视而不见,拒绝承认真相。You cannot live in a cocoon and overlook these facts.你不能与世隔绝,对这些事实视而不见Only a dummy would ignore the safety warnings.只有傻瓜才会对安全警告视而不见I shrugged, pretending to ignore him.我耸了耸肩,假装对他视而不见West was wilfully blind to the abuse that took place.韦斯特对发生的虐待行为故意视而不见We ought not to shut our eyes to these facts.我们不应该对这些事实视而不见




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