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A well executed shot of a tall ship is a joy to behold.高桅横帆船的成功起航很具观赏性。Two well-matched teams made this an entertaining game.两支实力不相上下的球队使得这场比赛很具观赏性。Football is a great spectator sport.足球是吸引大量观众的观赏性体育运动。The most popular spectator sport is football.观赏性强、最受欢迎的体育运动是足球。Some of their football was breathtaking, a delight to watch.他们踢的一些比赛非常精彩,极具观赏性。I don't like spectator sports.我不喜欢那些观赏性体育运动。A gardener comes in each week to trim the ornamental trees and bushes.园丁每周都来修剪这些观赏性树木和灌木。 |