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词汇 要下雨
例句 Dark skies threatened rain.天空发黑预示要下雨The dark clouds announced rain.乌云预示着要下雨了。It looks as if it might rain later.看来一会儿要下雨了。It seems to me that it will rain tonight.我看今晚要下雨It looks like rain. You had better take an umbrella with you.看起来要下雨,你最好带上雨伞。It looks like it's fixing to rain. 看起来要下雨了。There is a good possibility of rain tonight.今晚很可能要下雨They erected a marquee in the expectation that it would rain.因为预料要下雨,他们支起了大帐篷。It's going to be wet tomorrow.明天要下雨We had better close the windows; it looks like it's going to rain.我们最好关上窗户,看起来要下雨了。The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆。I was going to play golf, but it looks like rain.我本打算去打高尔夫球,可是这天看起来要下雨了。Why must it always rain on weekends?怎么一到周末就偏要下雨? It's going to rain, methinks. 我想天要下雨了。She knew rain was coming when she felt a drop land on her arm.她发觉有雨滴落在了她的手臂上,知道天要下雨了。It's not raining now, but they said it might rain later.现在没在下雨,但预报说稍后可能要下雨The dark clouds omen rain.这些乌云预示要下雨It's going to rain: if you don't take an umbrella, you're going to get soaked.要下雨。如果你不带把伞,会被淋湿的。Take an umbrella with you. It looks like rain. 带把伞吧,看样子要下雨了。His aching shoulder was a sure sign of rain.他肩膀疼痛,这预示着肯定要下雨Dark clouds threatened rain.乌云预示着要下雨We should turn back now. It's getting dark and I don't like the look of those rain clouds.我们现在应该回去了。天越来越黑,我不喜欢这乌云密布要下雨的样子。It looks like it might be coming on to rain. 看起来天要下雨了。An approaching warm front often means that rain is coming.暖锋来临常意味着快要下雨了。He guessed that it would rain today.他估计今天要下雨Those black clouds are a sure sign of rain.那些乌云是肯定要下雨的迹象。It is/seems highly/very likely that it will rain tomorrow.明天很有可能要下雨Sharpe's leg and shoulder began to ache, a sure sign of rain.夏普的腿和肩膀开始疼痛,这预示着肯定要下雨了。It's supposed to rain this weekend, so there go our plans for a barbecue. 预报周末要下雨,因此我们户外烧烤的计划泡汤了。It's liable to rain before we're done.很可能我们活儿还没干完就要下雨了。There is hardly any sign of rain.没有任何要下雨的迹象。You'd better take an umbrella – it's going to rain.你最好带上雨伞,要下雨了。It looks as if the rain has set in for the day.看来天要下雨了。With rain threatening, we headed home as fast as we could.看着要下雨,我们尽快往家赶去。I think it's going to rain.我想快要下雨了。It may easily rain.这天多半要下雨It may rain; you'd better take an umbrella in case.可能要下雨;你最好带把伞,以防万一。The rain will start soon and should end sometime this evening.很快就要下雨了,估计傍晚时分停。Those gray skies promise rain.天空灰蒙蒙的,很可能要下雨It looks as if it's going to rain.看起来像是要下雨了。




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