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Theo spends his free time doing volunteer work.西奥把自己的空余时间用于做志愿工作。She and Theo get on like a house on fire.她和西奥一见如故。Theo didn't like the direction in which the conversation seemed to be heading.西奥不喜欢谈话的走向。Supporters continue to visit the site where Colosio lost his life to an assassin's bullet.仍有支持者前往克洛西奥在刺客枪口下丧生的地点凭吊。Theo prodded at the dead snake.西奥戳了戳那条死蛇。Dimascio was promoted after serving a stint of five years as a sergeant pilot.迪马西奥在当了五年中士飞行员之后得到了提升。Meredith D'Ambrosio has thousands of songs in her repertoire.梅雷迪思·丹布罗西奥会唱几千首歌曲。Theo had been behaving peculiarly.西奥的举止一直很古怪。It was an insult which only Cassio's death could avenge.那种耻辱只有把卡西奥杀死才可以报仇雪恨。Theo crept soundlessly into the room.西奥悄悄地走进房间。Theo walked across the yard with a pail in each hand.西奥两手各提着一只桶穿过院子。 |