例句 |
The tailor made the waist of the pants smaller by making a tuck.裁缝打了个裥把裤腰收小了些。He's so fat, his belly hangs over his shorts.他太胖了,大肚子都垂在了短裤腰上。He tucked his shirt into his pants.他把衬衫掖进裤腰。The pants have a tie at the top.这条裤子裤腰处有抽绳。His shirttails were untucked.他的衬衫下摆没有扎进裤腰。His trousers were held up with a piece of elastic.他用一条松紧带系住裤腰。He had a gun tucked into the waistband of his trousers.他裤腰上别了一把枪。These pants have an elastic waist.这条裤子的裤腰是松紧的。 |