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词汇 装装样子
例句 Her tears were purely for effect.她的眼泪纯粹是装装样子的。The government has made only a token effort to end homelessness.政府为消除无家可归现象所做的努力只是装装样子For the sake of appearances we chin-chinned and tried to look gay.为了装装样子,我们互相举杯祝酒,尽量表现出快乐的神情。He isn't really upset - he's just shamming.他不是真的难过——只是装装样子Her refusal was merely a gesture; she really wanted to go.她之所以拒绝只不过是装装样子,其实她是想去的。It would be another day of putting on a front, but too bad.那一天又得装装样子了,真是的。The truth is that they appoint no more than a token number of women to managerial jobs.事实上他们只装装样子,任命了一些女性担任管理工作。He did a token tidying-up of his room.装装样子似地把屋子收拾一下。He said he was sorry, but I realize now that it was all just an act.他说他很难过,可我现在意识到那不过是装装样子而已。The change in government is more for show than for real.政府的转变更多的是装装样子,而不是真的。The event was perceived as no more than an empty gesture.人们认为这个活动不过是装装样子,毫无实际内容。The interview was just for appearances.面试只是装装样子而已。She just wanted to keep up appearances for the kids.她就是想为了孩子装装样子He did all that just to make believe.他干这一切只是为了装装样子Was she really upset or was that just an act?她是真的难过还是只装装样子




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