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词汇 装修房子
例句 Most of the money would be spent on fixing the house with some left over for emergencies.除了留下一些备急用的钱外,大部分钱将用于装修房子She spent her holiday decorating the house.她把假期花在装修房子上了。They did a beautiful job fixing up the house.他们装修房子的活儿干得漂亮极了。He spent about a month decorating the house.他花了大约一个月装修房子We decided to get the holidays over before we started decorating the house.我们决定在装修房子前先度假。They brought in an interior designer to do the house.他们请来一位室内设计师来装修房子Can we afford to have the house done over?我们付得起重新装修房子的费用吗?We're still in the process of decorating the house.我们还在装修房子We're decorating the house in stages so it won't be ready for another couple of months.我们在逐步装修房子,所以还得几个月才能就绪。They went to all the expense of redecorating the house and then they moved.他们花了那么多钱重新装修房子,可随后就搬家了。We spent thousands of dollars fixing up our house.我们花了几千美元装修房子You need to have a good eye for colour and design if you are going to decorate your own house.如果要自己来装修房子,你得对色彩和设计有良好的鉴赏力。There is so much labour involved in decorating a house.装修房子真费劲。She was given carte blanche with the redecoration.她获得了重新装修房子的自由处置权。While the house was being decorated we roughed it in a tent.装修房子期间,我们将就着住在帐篷里。This really isn't the right time of the year to start working on the house.一年里的这个时候装修房子可真是不合适。They spent a small fortune on redecorating their house.他们花了一大笔钱来重新装修房子




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