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词汇 裁决
例句 The verdict came in this afternoon.裁决结果今天下午出来了。The board will adjudicate claims made against teachers.董事会将对向老师们提出的索赔要求进行裁决The court's decision is a step backward/forward for the reform movement. 法庭的那项裁决是改革运动的倒退/前进。The referee's decision was in favour of our team.裁判员的裁决对我队有利。His prejudice disposed him to rule in their favour.他的偏见使他倾向于作出对他们有利的裁决The verdict seemed to be impunity.看来裁决可能是免予惩处。The parole board has decided that the prisoner is not yet ready for release.假释裁决委员会认定这名囚犯尚不符合保释条件。The court's verdict was favourable to their client.法庭的裁决对他们的当事人有利。The players anxiously awaited the verdict of the umpire.球员们焦急地等待裁判的裁决The judge upheld their acquittal.法官维持了他们无罪的裁决The new lawsuit challenges the lower court's decision.新的诉讼对下级法院的裁决提出质疑。There is no doubt that the court's decision is a victory for common sense.毫无疑问法庭的裁决是很合理的。An appeal has been lodged against the court's decision.对法院的裁决已提出上诉。The matter will be decided by a government tribunal.这件事将由政府审理委员会裁决The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.委员们拥有专属管辖权进行裁决The European Court's decision has been greeted with dismay by fishermen.渔民对欧洲法庭的裁决感到失望。Goodwin tried to have the court ruling overturned.古德温想推翻法院作出的裁决The jury alone shall decide the verdict.陪审团必须独立进行裁决The jury reached a verdict of justifiable homicide.陪审团作出了正当杀人的裁决We are waiting for a court decision on Smith versus Watts.我们正等待着法庭关于史密斯对沃茨一案的裁决The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws.陪审团裁决全国橄榄球联盟触犯了反垄断法。The lawsuit is a challenge to the lower court's decision.这项诉讼是对下级法院裁决的质疑。The court's decision gave us some breathing space.法庭的裁决给了我们一段休整期。A federal judge ruled in their favour.一位联邦法官作出了对他们有利的裁决The jury implicitly criticised the government by their verdict.陪审团通过裁决间接地批评了政府。They intend to appeal the verdict.他们打算对裁决提出上诉。The decision I have quoted is on all fours with this case.我引证的裁决完全适用于这一案件。That ruling comes as a blow to environmentalists.那项裁决对环境保护论者来说如同一记闷棍。The jury found her guilty of manslaughter.陪审团裁决她过失杀人罪成立。The judge made his ruling according to a strict reading of the law.法官根据严格的法律解释做出了裁决She was found innocent of all charges.裁决,她对所有指控均无罪责。The Supreme Court will give the final ruling.最高法庭将作出最后的裁决The jury found against her.陪审团做出对她不利的裁决This latest judgement will definitely be one in the eye for the fast food corporations.这最新的裁决肯定对快餐公司不利。The disciplinary tribunal upheld an earlier ruling.惩戒法庭维持先前的裁决The Union agreed to go to arbitration.工会同意把争端交由仲裁人裁决The Supreme Court interpreted the statute in light of its recent rulings.最高法院根据其最近的裁决对该法规进行了解读。The decision/ruling was a landmark in legal history.这项判决/裁决是法律史上的里程碑。The ruling is likely to set a precedent for how future cases are decided. 这项裁定很可能成为今后此类案件的裁决判例。This matter falls under state jurisdiction.这件事由州司法机关裁决




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