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词汇 wedge
例句 Auntie Ann put a huge wedge of cake on my plate.安姨妈把一大块三角形的蛋糕放在我盘子里。They tried to use the issue as a wedge to divide Democratic lawmakers from Hispanic voters.他们试图利用这一事件使民主党议员和西班牙裔选民产生分歧。Her mother-in-law drove a wedge between her and her husband.她婆婆挑起她与丈夫间的不和。He cut himself a thick wedge of cheese.他给自己切了厚厚的一牙奶酪。A wedge held the door open.一只三角木抵住门,让门开着。Workers believe the job cuts are just the thin end of the wedge.工人们认为裁员只是厄运的开始。Identity cards for students could be the thin end of the wedge - soon everyone might have to carry identification.学生需要出示身份证件可能还只是个开始——不久可能人人都要带着证件出门。Open the door wide and wedge it with a wad of newspaper.把门开大,再用一卷报纸把它楔牢。The bank's decision to raise rates could be the thin end of the wedge. 这家银行提高利率的决定可能引起其他银行纷纷效仿。Romley's lawsuit drove the wedge even farther between the two former friends.罗姆雷提出诉讼的做法使这两个原先的朋友嫌隙更深了。He played a wedge shot to the green.他用劈起杆将球击向球穴区。Push a wedge under the door to keep it open while we're carrying the boxes in.在门底下塞一个楔子让门敞开着,我们好往里面搬箱子。It doesn't make sense to let things that happened in the past drive a wedge between us now.让过去发生的事情损害我们之间现在的关系是很愚蠢的。Please put a wedge in the door so that it will stay open.请用三角木抵住门,让它开着。The woodsman drives the wedge into the log with a heavy maul.伐木工用大槌把楔子打进原木。It was a decision which drove a wedge between her and her family.这样的决定破坏了她和她的家人之间的关系。He used a wedge to split the firewood.他用楔子劈木柴。Their divorce has driven a wedge between the two families.他们的离婚导致了双方家庭的不和。They tried to drive a wedge between you and the Arabs.他们试图挑起你们与阿拉伯人之间的不和。Just hold the door open while I jam a wedge under it.把门开着,让我把楔子塞在下面。The wedge is an important early mechanical invention.楔子是一项重要的早期机械发明。That window keeps rattling;I must fix a wedge in it to make it stay put.那窗户老是发出格格的响声,我必须敲进一块楔子把它装牢。I think it's the thin end of the wedge when you have armed police permanently on patrol round a city.我觉得让武装警察永久性地在城市里巡逻是老鼠拉木锨,大头在后边。A fight over their parents' estate drove a wedge between the brothers.争夺父母财产造成了他们兄弟不和。The battalion formed a wedge and marched toward the enemy.这个营排成楔形队列向敌人进军。The crowd formed itself into a wedge.人群排成楔形。It's the thin end of the wedge when you have armed police permanently on patrol round a city.武装警察全天候满城巡逻,看来有大事要发生。I started to feel Toby was driving a wedge between us.我开始觉得托比在挑拨我们之间的关系。The war had driven a wedge between the President and his liberal supporters.这场战争使总统与他的自由党支持者之间产生了不和。George was set as a wedge when his mind was made up.乔治一下决心就铁定不移。I don't want to drive a wedge between you and your father.我不想离间你和你父亲的感情。The sun's rays could not wedge their way through the barrage of foliage.阳光透不过树叶的屏障。




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