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词汇 cupboard
例句 The cupboard was bare.橱柜里什么都没有。I wonder how many other skeletons they've got in their cupboard.我纳闷他们到底还有些什么家丑。Can you see the ties for the rubbish bags in the cupboard?你看到柜子里扎垃圾袋的带子了吗?Do you have much cupboard space in your new house?你的新房子里橱柜空间很大吗?He cracked his head painfully against the cupboard.他的头撞到了碗柜上,很疼。Her toys, books, shoes and clothes were all jumbled together in the cupboard.她的玩具、书籍、鞋子和衣服都乱堆在小橱里。The cupboard would hardly close, with all the shoes thrown in anyhow.柜子乱塞了许多鞋,几乎关不上了。Use your noodle - clear the shelves before you paint the cupboard!用用脑子——先把碗橱清空,然后再上漆!We ought to clear out this cupboard - it's full of junk.我们应该清理一下这个橱柜——里面满是破烂。He fumbled around in the cupboard, desperately searching for his tablets.他在柜子里乱摸一通,急着找他的药片。Use your noddle - clear the shelves before you paint the cupboard!用用脑子——先把碗橱清空,然后再上漆!There's a broom cupboard under the stairs.楼梯下有一个清洁用具橱。I feel that she has a couple of skeletons in her cupboard.我觉得她有几件不可告人的丑事。What are you emptying that cupboard for?你为什么把那个橱柜里的东西都拿出来?I forced the lock on the cupboard to see what was inside.我撬开壁橱的锁,看看里面有什么。To his right was a large walk-in cupboard, its door slightly ajar.他右边是一个步入式的大壁橱,橱门微微开着。I ran across some old love letters while I was clearing out a cupboard.我在清理柜子时找到一些旧情书。The front of the cupboard is made of glass.碗橱的正面是玻璃做的。I must clean out this cupboard - it's absolutely full of junk.我一定要把这个橱柜清理一下,里面全是废旧杂物。I used the leftover paint for the cupboard doors.我用剩下的油漆涂刷柜橱门。I'll bollock him for sticking his rubbish in my cupboard.他把乱七八糟的东西塞进了我的柜子里,我要好好骂他一顿。Will you take the plates out of the cupboard?把盘子从碗柜里拿出来好吗?On top of the cupboard was an old trunk, covered in dust.橱顶上有一只积满了灰尘的旧箱子。We hung our coats in a cupboard in the hall.我们把外套挂在门厅的衣柜里。Drill a hole through the back of the cupboard and pass the wires through.在壁橱后面钻个洞把电线穿过去。Prop the brush in the corner of the cupboard.把刷子放在柜子的角落里。She hastily threw her books into the cupboard.她慌忙把书塞进柜子里。There was nothing at all in the room except an empty cupboard.房间里除了一个空柜子,什么也没有。The shoes looked so tatty that I consigned them to the back of the cupboard.这双鞋这么破烂,我把它放到柜子的最里面去了。There was a bad smell coming from the cupboard.碗橱里散发出一股臭味。Would you put the jar back into the cupboard for me, please?请帮我把罐子放回碗橱里,好吗?The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup.厨房的橱柜里堆满了罐装汤。I've been on at him to fix that cupboard for weeks now.到现在为止,我催促他修理那个柜子已经有好几个星期了。He took a tumbler from a cupboard.他从碗橱里拿出一只平底玻璃杯。She yanked open the cupboard door and everything fell out.她猛地打开橱柜,所有东西都掉了出来。Some papers had slipped down behind the cupboard.有些报纸滑落到了橱柜后面。In the daytime the mattress is stowed away in that cupboard.白天,床垫被收在那柜橱里。They would never find her if she crawled into a cupboard and hid away.如果她爬进一个橱柜里藏起来,他们永远都找不到她。Jodie always had a large stock of brandy in her cupboard.乔迪总是在碗橱里储备许多白兰地。Mind you don't bang your head on the cupboard door.小心头别撞到碗柜门上。




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