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词汇 被放弃
例句 The original plan was abandoned in favour of a new proposal.原计划被放弃,采纳了新的建议。The checkpoint was abandoned as militarily indefensible.这个边检站因军事上无法防守而被放弃了。The proposal was dropped after opposition from civil liberties groups.遭到公民自由组织的反对后这一提案被放弃了。There were political problems and the idea was eventually scrapped.因存在一些政治问题,这个想法最终被放弃了。Their plans for opening a restaurant came to grief when they failed to get a loan.他们开餐馆的计划因无法得到贷款而被放弃This principle has now been effectively abandoned.这一原则事实上已被放弃Projects were frequently abandoned through sheer inertia.项目常常纯粹因为惰性而被放弃The idea met with such ridicule that it was dropped.这个想法遭到那么多嘲笑,因此被放弃了。




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