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词汇 track
例句 I can remember when eight-track tapes were the latest thing in music.我还记得八音轨磁带是音响界内时髦事的时候。The company has a track record of good employee relations.公司有员工关系良好的记录。The two men turned to watch the horses going round the track.那两个男人转身观看赛马沿赛道而行。The team dogtrotted along the track.运动队沿跑道慢跑。The speaker was a long way off the track.演讲者离题千里。The storm's track was similar to several others this year.本次暴风雨的移动路线跟今年的其他几次相似。The road petered out into a muddy track.路越来越窄,最后成了一条泥泞的小径。I know that the professor will keep track of my attendance.我知道教授会记录我的出勤情况。They have a long track record of being mean with their money.他们长期以来有个花钱吝啬的名声。Experts are trying to track down the source of the contamination in the water supply.专家们正试图找到水源中污染物的来源。The track curved away below him.他脚下的小径蜿蜒地伸向远方。The train runs on an elevated track.列车在高架轨道上行驶。With so much going on, it's easy to lose track.发生了这么多事,很容易没有头绪。He finally managed to track down the book he wanted.他终于找到了他要的书。Sniffer dogs could be trained to track them down.可以训练嗅探犬追捕他们。His campaign promises are strongly underpinned by his track record.他的选举承诺有他过去的纪录作强有力的支撑。A load of Michael Schumacher wannabes are trying to show what they can do on the track.许多人效仿迈克尔·舒马赫,也想在赛车场上表现一下自己。He ran track in college.他在大学里参加了径赛。It had been ridiculously easy to track him down.追查到他竟异常容易。The car took off from the banked track and went through a fence.车子冲出倾斜的赛道,穿过了一道护栏。The figures show we are on the right track.这些数据表明我们是对的。It's hard to keep track of time in here.在这里很容易忘了时间。Trains no longer run on this track.这条轨道已经不通火车了。As an agent, you may have an inside track when good deals become available.作为代理人,一旦有划算的买卖你恐怕能近水楼台先得月。Who did the background vocals on that track?那首歌的伴唱是谁唱的?Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track.安东尼自己慢慢爬起来,又开始沿着跑道跑下去。Customers can track a shipment over the Web.客户可以在网上跟踪货物。Billy will sit and watch his train going round and round on its little track for hours.比利会坐着看他的玩具火车在小轨道上一圈一圈地转,一看就是几个小时。The track passes through dense weeds and briar patches.轨道穿过茂密的杂草和荆棘丛。They left the car and struck out along the muddy track.他们下了车,然后开始沿着泥泞的小路往前走。Dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.好几十英里的铁轨被毁坏了。She hit real big at the track last week.上周她赌赛马大赢。The train chugs down the track.火车沿铁轨缓慢前行。He thought he had better track this wolf and kill it.他觉得最好是跟踪这匹狼,杀了它。He used to wander over the moors, losing all track of time.他过去常在旷野上漫步,完全忘记了时间。Fatima was one of Britain's top track and field athletes.法蒂玛是英国顶尖的田径运动员之一。She was a lawyer, but then she changed track completely and became a doctor.她当过律师,但后来彻底转行成了医生。Many saw independence as the fast track to democracy.许多人将独立视为通往民主的快车道。I had the file on my desk a minute ago, but I seem to have lost track of it.文件刚刚还在桌上,可现在好像不知去向了。We need a convincing win to put us back on the right track我们需要一场令人信服的大胜,以重回正轨。




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