例句 |
Financial aid for Britain has been withheld.向英国提供的经济援助已经被扣。The suspect was in the police station's holding cell overnight.嫌疑犯在警察局拘留室被扣了一晚。Penalty points are given to drivers who speed.超速行驶的司机要被扣违章分。A senior army officer was held hostage for four months.一位高级军官被扣为人质达四个月。They were held hostage for several days.他们被扣为人质已有几日。She lost her driving licence when she was caught over the limit.她酒驾被抓,被扣了驾照。Redeeming your car from the pound can be expensive.取回被扣的汽车可能得付许多钱。 |