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词汇 ballet
例句 The popularity of ballet rapidly waned.芭蕾舞很快变得不那么盛行了。She was hired to choreograph the ballet routines.她被聘为芭蕾舞的编舞。Does she study classical ballet or modern ballet?她学的是古典芭蕾还是现代芭蕾?I took tap classes as well as ballet.我除了学芭蕾舞以外,还学踢踏舞。I enjoyed the ballet, but it wasn't really great art.我很喜欢这出芭蕾舞剧,但它艺术性不高。In her book she makes a comparison between Russian and British ballet.她在书中把俄罗斯芭蕾和英国芭蕾作了比较。We went to a ballet.我们去看了一场芭蕾舞剧。Margot lived for ballet and was completely dedicated.玛戈为了芭蕾舞而活,完全投入其中去了。The younger generation shows that the future of English ballet is in safekeeping.年青的一代显示出英国芭蕾舞后继有人。If ever a dance company could unite the differing worlds of rock and ballet, the Joffrey Ballet is it.如果有哪个歌舞团能把芭蕾和摇滚融合在一起的话,那这个歌舞团就是乔弗利芭蕾舞团。The set for the ballet is minimalist - white walls and a chair.这场芭蕾舞的布景极为简约——白墙和一把椅子。Degas did a series of drawings of dancers at the ballet school in Paris.德加画了一系列巴黎的芭蕾舞学校舞蹈者的素描。She was plucked from the corps de ballet to take on Juliet.她从芭蕾舞团的伴舞队中被挖掘出来,担任朱丽叶这一角色。Natalie is, without a doubt, the star student in this year's ballet class.毫无疑问,纳塔莉是今年芭蕾班中最出色的学员。She loves both ballet and modern dance.她既喜欢芭蕾,也喜欢现代舞。She has slogged her way through ballet classes since the age of six.她从六岁开始就一直苦学芭蕾。These dance styles are connected via common roots, including tap dancing, ballet, and jazz.这些舞蹈风格通过包括踢踏舞、芭蕾和爵士在内的共同源头联系在了一起。The ballet company's repertoire blends tradition and creative innovation.这个芭蕾舞团的节目把传统和创新融合在一起。I like both modern dance and classical ballet.现代舞和古典芭蕾我都喜欢。I managed to get some seats for the ballet.我设法搞到了几张芭蕾舞演出票。The accident shut the door on her ballet career.那次事故使她的芭蕾舞生涯终结了。She sort of floats around, like a ballet dancer.她像个芭蕾舞演员,步态轻盈。I could not force my body into the contortions required by classical ballet.我无法按古典芭蕾的要求把自己的身体弄成扭曲的姿势。Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isn't really my cup of tea.谢谢你邀请我,不过我不大喜欢看芭蕾。Carol lost interest in ballet in her teens.卡萝尔在十几岁的时候对芭蕾舞失去了兴趣。A spinal operation put paid to her career as a ballet dancer.一次脊柱手术结束了她的芭蕾舞演员生涯。Terry's what you'd call a man's man - you wouldn't find him at the ballet too many nights a week.特里是人们所说的男人中的男人——我想你不可能见他一周好几个晚上都在看芭蕾舞。He's taking ballet lessons.他在学跳芭蕾舞。His dream had been to study ballet.他曾有过学芭蕾舞的梦想。The choreography of Eric Hawkins is considered radical by ballet audiences.芭蕾舞观众认为埃里克·霍金斯的舞蹈设计非常前卫。She donned her leotards and headed off to ballet class.她穿上紧身衣去上芭蕾课。The ballet's opening night was a huge success.这场芭蕾舞的首演之夜获得了巨大的成功。He had the lithe, athletic body of a ballet dancer.他的身体像芭蕾舞演员一样柔韧优雅。I trained as a ballet dancer.我受过芭蕾舞训练。They went downtown to see a ballet.他们进城去看芭蕾。My parents thought it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in ballet.我的父母认为男孩子对芭蕾舞感兴趣是不正常的。My daughter takes ballet and tap.我女儿在学跳芭蕾舞和踢踏舞。He set himself ferociously tough standards; and he was ardently devoted to ballet.他给自己制定了极为苛刻的标准,满腔热忱地献身于芭蕾事业。Andrea was delighted at the chance to go to the Bolshoi ballet.安德烈娅有机会加入波修瓦芭蕾舞团,感到欣喜若狂。Caroline had been a ballet dancer in her youth.卡罗琳年轻时是个芭蕾舞演员。




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