例句 |
He always gets typecast as the villain.他总是被分派演坏蛋。They were mustered every morning and told off to different tasks.他们每天早晨集合,被分派去执行各种任务。His secretary was allocated the task of looking after the invitations.他的秘书被分派了发邀请的任务。When I was crewed up I learned that I had been allocated to the youngest pilot.在我被指派为机组成员时,我得知自己被分派给最年轻的飞行员当助手。He was not reappointed to his former post.他没有再被分派担任原来的职务。The secretaries were tasked with organizing the data.秘书们被分派了整理数据资料的任务。I was given the unenviable task of cleaning the toilets.我被分派去干打扫厕所这个讨厌的差事。 |