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词汇 cultural
例句 Language is a social and cultural phenomenon.语言是一种社会文化现象。It is a rich, unashamedly elitist cultural heritage.它是一处丰富的、绝对杰出的文化遗产。This town is a cultural desert.这个城镇是一片文化沙漠。Education is a prime mover of cultural and social change.教育是文化和社会变革的原动力。The country enjoys a rich and diverse cultural life.该国文化生活丰富多彩。In recent years commercial, cultural, travel and other contacts have proliferated between Europe and China.近年来,欧洲和中国之间的商业、文化、旅游及其他交往发展迅猛。He made some very interesting cross-cultural comparisons in his book.他在书中对多种文化作了一些非常有趣的比较。The retirement home arranges social and cultural activities for its seniors.退休之家为老年人安排各种社交及文化活动。The city's museums offer a multitude of cultural possibilities.该市的博物馆提供多种文化选择。Attitudes are highly influenced by cultural background.态度受文化背景的影响很大。Ontario's cultural mosaic is waiting to welcome you.安大略的多元文化正等待着欢迎您的到来。That part of the country is a cultural wasteland.该国的那一地区是文化荒漠。These cultural differences have existed for decades.这些文化差异已经存在几十年了。It's always the same story whatever the cultural variations.不论文化方面有什么变化,总还是那么一回事。A startling cultural transformation occurred in post-war Britain.战后英国的文化出现了令人惊讶的变化。The author provides a clear definition of cultural awareness.作者给文化意识下了一个清楚的定义。Some of these educators are hoping to produce a change in the current cultural paradigm.这些教育家中有些希望改变当今的文化模式。The era was characterized by political and cultural turbulence.在那个时代里,政治和文化都动荡不安。Traditionalists may howl, but in today's world, cultural relativism rules.传统卫道士们也许会叫嚣反对,但在当今世界,文化相对论确实是占据着统治地位。Greater cultural diversity has led to a more cosmopolitan attitude among the town's younger generations.更多的文化多样性使得镇上年轻一代的态度更为包容。Science offers the ability to `naturalize' social, political, or cultural differences.科学为人们提供了用自然道理解释社会、政治、文化差异的能力。They are trying to preserve the cultural integrity of the community.他们正努力保护社区文化的完整。The development of long-distance commerce led to greater cultural contacts between continents.远距离贸易的发展促进了更大程度上的洲际文化交流。He is a writer who draws upon diverse cultural influences.他是一位在写作中汲取多种文化养料的作家。The group has stayed together because of cultural, social, and other ties.该团体的成员因为文化上的、社会的以及其他方面的联系而维系在一起。He regarded the north of the country as a separate cultural entity.他把这个国家的北部地区视为一个独立的文化实体。According to Marxist theory, a society's superstructure is its legal, social, cultural and political institutions, which are based on its economic systems.根据马克思主义理论,一个社会的上层建筑包括其法律、社会、文化和政治制度,而这些都是建立在其经济基础之上的。In New Zealand, the Maori people maintain a strong cultural tradition.在新西兰,毛利人保持着深厚的文化传统。Proust's work reflected his own social and cultural milieu.普鲁斯特的作品反映了他自己的社会和文化背境。This town is the region's cultural capital.这个小镇是当地的文化中心。The council will organize cultural activities.委员会将组织文化活动。The Statue of Liberty has become an American cultural icon.自由女神像已成为美国文化的象征。Australia has a rich cultural mix.澳大利亚拥有丰富多样的文化。The city offers an appealing combination of sporting and cultural events.这座城市把体育活动和文化活动结合在一起,很有吸引力。My friend told me that the place she lived was a cultural wasteland.我的朋友告诉我她住的地方文化生活贫乏。Police officers in most Californian cities need to be able to cope with language difficulties and cultural differences.加州大部分城市的警察得能够应付语言障碍和文化差异。His dominance in newspapers, television, and film amounts to a cultural power which is the obverse side to his political power.他在报纸、电视和电影行业的统治地位形成了一种文化力量,与他的政治势力相对应。He became a minor celebrity among Manhattan's cultural élite.他成了曼哈顿文化精英中小有名气的人。Europe's varied cultural, political and ethical norms欧洲形形色色的文化、政治和道德准则Her trips to Asia have broadened her cultural horizons.亚洲之行开阔了她的文化视野。




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