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词汇 被免职
例句 The chairman of the Party had been dismissed for negligence.政党主席因玩忽职守而被免职The scandal resulted in the director's removal. 这则丑闻最终导致主管被免职The new measures were put into effect, and the consequent protest led to the dismissal of those responsible.因实施新措施而引发的抗议导致相关负责人被免职Only two U.S. representatives were unseated.只有两名美国代表被免职The president could only be removed from power once free elections were organised.总统只有在开始自由选举时才能被免职His career has taken a nosedive since his dismissal last year.自从去年被免职后,他的事业陷入了低谷。All senior officers involved will be removed.所有牵涉其中的高级军官都会被免职All senior officers involved in the coup will have to be removed.所有参与政变的高级官员都将被免职Yesterday new details emerged about the ambassador's dismissal.昨天爆出了大使被免职的新细节。The official was dismissed from office for taking bribes.这官员因受贿被免职Stevens was cashiered in 1948.史蒂文斯于一九四八年被免职The military commander has been dismissed.军队司令已经被免职了。This latest incident makes his dismissal unavoidable.最近的这次事件使他无法逃过被免职的命运。A New York art teacher who refused to take part in the daily flag ceremony was dismissed from her post.纽约一名教艺术的老师因拒绝参加每天的升旗仪式而被免职Only two US representatives were unseated.只有两位美国代表被免职Being removed from his post during operations is the ultimate humiliation for a ship's captain.在执行任务的过程中被免职,这对一位船长来说是莫大的耻辱。




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