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词汇 culmination
例句 This massive work was the logical culmination of her long career.这部鸿篇巨著是她漫长职业生涯的必然成果。The show marked the culmination of months of hard work.这场演出标志着几个月艰辛工作的最终成果。The culmination of any dispute between states is war.国家之间争议的最高点就是战争。The culmination of the Christmas party was the appearance of Santa Claus.圣诞晚会的高潮是圣诞老人的出现。This study is the culmination of years of research.这项研究是多年调查的成果。The space race reached its culmination in the first moon walk.太空竞争以人类实现第一次在月球上行走而达到顶峰。A decision will be taken at the culmination of the initial research.在初始阶段研究结束时将作出决议。The ceremony marks the culmination of years of hard work to restore the building.仪式标志着对这栋建筑进行的多年艰苦的修复工作告一段落。Marriage is seen as the culmination of a successful relationship.婚姻被认为是成功两性关系的结果。




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