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词汇 culinary
例句 The magazine began when the country was undergoing a culinary renaissance. 这家杂志创办于国内烹饪技艺复兴之时。He dedicated many of his culinary inventions to famous people.他把自己的许多烹饪发明都奉献给了名人。For most people, foie gras is either a rare delicacy or a culinary abomination.对大多数人来说,鹅肝若不是珍馐美馔,那就是烹饪的耻辱。Mint is perhaps the best-known of culinary herbs.薄荷可能是最出名的烹饪用的香草。The guidebook is the ultimate arbiter of culinary excellence.这本指南是评定烹饪水平的最权威评判。It says a lot for her culinary skills that so many of her recipes have stood the test of time.她的许多食谱经受住了时间的考验,这充分证明了她的厨艺。You'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven.荷兰炖锅能做出的美食之多会让你大吃一惊。The use of garlic, whether for medicinal or culinary purposes, dates back several centuries.大蒜的使用,无论是用于医学目的还是烹任目的,都可上溯至几个世纪以前。Savour the culinary delights of Morocco.体味一下摩洛哥烹饪的乐趣。She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills.她渴望学到更高级的烹饪技巧。Dale's a bit of a culinary whizz.戴尔有点儿烹饪高手的样子。He likes to show off his culinary skills.他喜欢炫耀自己的烹饪技术。A three course dinner completes the culinary delights.做三道菜的一餐就能包含烹饪的所有乐趣。They serve a variety of culinary delights.他们提供各式美味佳肴。The hotel's chef trained at the finest culinary institutes in Europe.这个饭店的主厨在欧洲顶级烹饪学院接受过培训。




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