例句 |
The new paint job really perked up the room.重新刷漆使得房间焕然一新。We plastered and sanded the walls before painting them.我们在墙上先涂灰泥,接着打磨墙面,然后再刷漆。Brush the paint in the direction of the grain.沿着纹理的方向刷漆。When you paint, you should start at the top and work your way down.油漆时应该从顶部开始,然后向下刷漆。We used sheets to protect the furniture when we painted.刷漆时我们用盖布把家具罩起来。Sponge it down thoroughly before you paint it again.再次刷漆之前要用海绵彻底地把它擦洗下来。 |