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词汇 补助金
例句 Did you get any compensation when you were dismissed from your job?你被解雇时有没有拿到补助金He sought renewal of the grant.他申请继续领取补助金There will be no alteration in the level of subsidy.补助金的标准将不会改变。The subsidies are designed to cushion farmers against unpredictable weather.这些补助金用于减轻农民因难以预测的恶劣天气而遭受的损失。It's taxpayers like me who pay your grants.为你支付补助金的正是像我这样的纳税人。You may be able to claim housing benefit.你或许可以要求领取住房补助金The benefits of smaller wage increases for workers have been dissipated by the Government.给工人少量加薪用的补助金被政府浪费掉了。The grant has been repealed.该项补助金已被取消。As a struggling young composer, she applied to the California Arts Council for grant money.作为一个为生计挣扎的年轻作曲家,她向加利福尼亚艺术委员会申请补助金The changes are designed to simplify grant applications.这些改变旨在简化补助金的申请程序。No one can accuse pensioners of being slow off the mark.谁也不能责怪那些靠补助金生活的人反应迟钝。The council had been handing out grants indiscriminately, and people were hurrying to get their snouts in the trough.市政会一直在不加鉴别地分发补助金,结果人们都趋之若鹜地去捞一份。Some supplementary finance is available in the form of grants or loans.可以得到以补助金或贷款形式提供的某种补充资助。The organization has doled out millions of dollars in grants.这一组织已发放了数百万美元的补助金The delay was the result of a change in the way that we administer the grants.我们把发放补助金的方式作了些变动,所以就耽搁了。These grants will help communities address the problems faced by young people.这些补助金将帮助社区解决青少年面临的各种问题。Martin still hasn't got his invalidity pension sorted out, but he's managing all right at the moment.马丁还没有办好伤残补助金,不过眼下他还能应付过去。Benefits are paid on a sliding scale according to family income.补助金的发放根据家庭收入而定,数额不等。She saved the money from her monthly disability payments.这些钱是她从每月的伤残补助金中省出来的。Jen was up all night writing her grant proposal.珍一晚上都在忙着写那份补助金申请表。Benefit is paid monthly.补助金按月发放。People on income support do not have to pay council tax.领取低收入补助金的人不需要缴纳家庭税。The allowances were for the benefit of the family as a whole.这种补助金是对整个家庭的补助。Most regions in Spain and Portugal qualify for sizeable development grants from the EU.西班牙和葡萄牙的大部分地区都有资格从欧盟得到大笔的发展补助金You may be entitled to Child Benefit if a child continues getting full-time education beyond the date already notified by you.如果小孩接受全日制教育的时间超过了您已告知我们的那个期限,您就有权申请儿童补助金Are you claiming unemployment benefit?你在申请失业补助金吗?I don't believe child benefit should be means-tested.我认为儿童补助金的数额不应随收入而变动。The government is awarding small, pump-priming grants to single mothers who are starting their own businesses.政府对自己创业的单身母亲给予小额的鼓励性补助金Being a student today with miserly grants and limited career prospects is difficult.现今,做一名补助金少得可怜、职业前景渺茫的学生非常不容易。




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