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词汇 补上
例句 You'd better mend that hole before the whole sweater starts to unravel.你最好把那个洞补上,免得整件毛衣脱线。It's not a bad tear – we should be able to mend it.破洞不大,我们应该能补上I'll just rough out the whole picture and you can do the details.我概略地画出草图,你再把细节补上I have to leave work early today, but I'll make up the time by working late tomorrow.我今天得早点下班,但是我明天会加班补上Palm didn't travel much as a young man but he's certainly made up for lost time now.帕姆年轻时旅游不多,但他现在显然已经补上了失去的时间。The missing indefinite article has been replaced before the noun.名词前漏落的不定冠词已经补上If you decide on the more expensive model, you can bring this one back and pay the difference.如果你决定了更想要贵一点儿的那一款,你可以交回这个,补上差价就可以了。When stripping the car, we found holes had been repaired with fibreglass.拆卸汽车时,我们发现破洞已经用玻璃纤维补上了。They'll have to make up the time lost during the strike.他们将不得不加班补上罢工耽误的时间。I'll pay the balance later.我以后会把差额补上You'll have to make up the work you missed while you were away.你必须补上缺勤期间落下的工作。I made a useless attempt at fixing the leak.我试着想补上漏洞,但一点效果也没有。Gains in one area offset losses in another.这边挣的补上了那边赔的。You should get that cavity filled.你应该把那个牙洞补上A vacancy has arisen which I intend to fill.有一个职位空了出来,我想要补上




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