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词汇 衣物
例句 He opened his holdall and burrowed under the clothing it contained.他打开大旅行袋,伸手在里面装的衣物下面摸索。It's courting disaster to go into the mountains without proper weatherproof clothing.进山却不携带些防风雨的衣物,简直是自找苦吃。After the war, food and clothing were scarce.战后,食品和衣物紧缺。The trunk was full of fusty clothing.箱子里装满了散发着霉味的衣物Delicate clothes should be washed by hand.易损衣物应该手洗。The machine washes and dries at the push of a button.一按按钮,机器就会洗涤和干燥衣物He forgot to collect his dry-cleaning on the way home.他忘记在回家的路上取回干洗的衣物I stowed my gear below decks.我把我的衣物都放在甲板下面了。The woman proudly displayed her furs.那女人骄傲地炫示她的裘皮衣物He crammed the suitcase with his clothes.他把行李箱中塞满了衣物I started to unpack my suitcase.我开始打开衣箱整理衣物Expect some shrinkage when you wash this garment for the first time.这类衣物第一次洗时,可能会有一定的缩水。Buyers from stores are given the opportunity to go through fashion collections item by item and place orders.从商店来的买主有机会逐件观看时装系列上的衣物并下订单。International charities sent parcels of food and clothes to the refugees.国际慈善机构给难民送去装着食品和衣物的包裹。Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.她的衣物主要是宽大的开司米毛衣和小巧的意大利凉鞋。His mother came in carrying a pile of ironing in her arms.他的母亲手里抱着一叠熨好的衣物进来了。A strong household bleach might rot the fibers.强力家用漂白剂可能会破坏衣物的纤维。She would go for a swim when she'd unpacked.她打开行李取出衣物后就会去游泳。Several items of clothing were found near the scene of the crime.在犯罪现场附近发现了几件衣物The Red Cross is appealing for donations of food and clothing following the earthquake.地震发生之后,红十字会呼吁人们捐赠食品和衣物Just spin the washing and it's nearly dry.只需要将洗好的衣物脱水,它就差不多干了。I gave her a hand packing up her clothes and stuff.我帮她打点衣物用品。The food and clothing were parceled out to the refugees.食品和衣物分给了难民。My job was to hang out the washing.我的工作就是晾晒洗好的衣物Jeans are an indispensable part of most people's wardrobe.牛仔裤是大多数人必不可少的衣物We've got commitments from several charities to donate food and clothing.我们从几家慈善机构得到捐赠食品和衣物的承诺。The charity provides food and clothing for the destitute. 这个慈善机构向穷人施舍食品和衣物She had several articles of clothing in her bag.她手提包内有几件衣物Food, clothes, and money were channeled through churches to the poor people of the、衣物和钱款通过教会组织送到了这个村子的穷人手中。Her dresses will be auctioned off for charity.她的衣物将被拍卖以资助慈善事业。You'll need some warm clothes for the winter.你会需要些冬天穿的保暖衣物Cotton clothing lets your skin breathe.棉质衣物使你的皮肤感觉很透气。We got by with a minimum of clothing when we went camping.我们去野营时仅带了最基本的衣物凑合着应付。She buys all her clothes dirt cheap in charity shops.她所有衣物都是在慈善商店以极便宜的价格买的。Planes parachuted food, clothing, blankets, medicine and water into the rugged mountainous border region.飞机将食品、衣物、毯子、药品和水空投到崎岖多山的边界地区。First sort the white things out from the other clothes.首先,把白色衣物挑出来和其他衣服分开。The clean laundry was hung on the balconies.阳台上挂着洗干净了的衣物The only extra clothes he took with him were a pair of socks and a change of underwear.他随身携带的衣物只有一双短袜和一套换洗的内衣。Have you packed/unpacked your suitcase yet?你把衣物都放进手提箱了吗/从手提箱里拿出来了吗?There are racks of musty clothing and piles of junk.有几架子发霉的衣物和成堆的废旧杂物。




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