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A van suddenly swerved into her path.一辆货车突然转向上了她的行车道。It had gone on to the wrong side of the road and hit a car coming in the other direction.它驶上了逆行车道,撞上了对面驶来的一辆汽车。The southbound lanes are closed to traffic.南行车道实行交通封闭。People rubbernecking in the southbound lane caused a second accident.南行车道上的司机扭头看,造成了第二起事故。He was deliberately pushed into the path of the vehicle.他被故意推到了那辆车的行车道上。The southbound lanes are closed.南行车道被封闭了。She pulled away from the curb and into traffic.她开车离开路缘上了行车道。 |