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词汇 行话
例句 He's starting to pick up the lingo.他开始学会行话了。Scratch the subject of defence and acronyms, abbreviations, and buzzwords fly out.话题触及国防,缩合字,缩写字和行话就满天飞。Their jargon is unintelligible to anyone outside the industry.他们的行话对非业内人士来说很难听懂。The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses.手册里满是有关自修课程的行话术语。The manual occasionally lapses into incomprehensible jargon.这本指南偶尔冒出些令人费解的行话He's a good writer, but he occasionally lapses into jargon.他文笔不错,但偶尔也会滥用行话Scientists all have their own shorthand or jargon.科学家们都有自己的简略表达方式或行话In record-business lingo, that means he wanted to buy the rights to the song and market it.用唱片业的行话来说,就是他想买下那首歌曲的版权,然后包装推出。Don't use marketing lingo.不要用营销行话It is newly minted jargon.这是新造的行话Solicitor-speak is believed to be a reason why two out of three people die without making a will.据信律师的行话太难懂是导致三分之二的人去世时没有留下遗嘱的一个原因。They have their own lingo that is unintelligible to outsiders.他们有自己的行话,局外人听不懂。Strip away the jargon, and these ideas are just the same as the old ones.去掉那些行话,这些想法就和原来的一模一样了。I wish they'd write in plain English, instead of all this business jargon.我希望他们能用简单的英语写,不要用这种商业行话The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses.这本手册满篇都是自我完善课程中的那种浮夸用语和行话The pair could use the jazziest, hippest slang and irony-laced patter.这对搭档能说出最时髦、最嘻哈的俚语和充满讽刺的行话Their discussions are often laced with jargon that I can't understand.他们的讨论常常夹杂着我听不懂的行话Two chemists were talking shop, and I hardly understood a word they said.两位化学家正大谈行话,我简直一点也听不懂。They use management consultant jargon and psychobabble.他们使用管理顾问的行话和心理学呓语。




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