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词汇 皮特
例句 Brad Pitt made a guest appearance on last week's episode.布拉德·皮特客串了上周的那一集。Who's in the new movie with Brad Pitt?谁与布拉德·皮特一起出演这部新电影?I told her on pain of death not to tell Pete that I was involved.我叫她不要告诉皮特我已参与其中,否则就要让她死。We all crammed in and Pete started the car.我们都挤了进去,皮特发动了汽车。He had murdered Peter at point blank range with a single shot.他近距离一枪射杀了皮特There was a remarkable resemblance between him and Pete.他和皮特之间有着惊人的相似之处。I saw Pittsy staring greedily at little Vaughn.我看见皮特西垂涎三尺地盯着小沃恩。In the end it was Pete who thought of a really ingenious solution to the problem.最终是皮特想出了一个很巧妙的解决问题的办法。Pete gobbled all the stew before anyone else sat down.别人还没落座皮特就把炖肉全吃光了。Her conqueror, Senator Pete Wilson, is a diffident, moderate man.击败她的参议员皮特·威尔逊是一个谦卑的温和派人士。Pete jammed his hands into his pockets.皮特使劲把手插进口袋里。Pete will still have to take things easy for while.皮特还需要休息一会儿。He turned on Pete and accused him of lying.他向皮特发起了攻击,指责他说谎。Pete was a puny little boy with short hair and glasses.皮特是个瘦小虚弱的小男孩,短头发、戴眼镜。Pete wrote his car off there.皮特在那里把汽车撞毁了。No one dared shoot for fear of hitting Pete.没人敢开枪,怕伤着皮特Pitt's smile returned, and it was hideously diabolic.皮特的脸上重新浮现出笑容,但却狰狞可怕。He growled some unintelligible words at Pete.他朝皮特吼了一通莫名其妙的话。By this time Pitt had become a teenage idol.皮特此时已经成为青少年的偶像了。Pitt planted tall trees outside his home to block rubberneckers.皮特在他家外面栽种了高大的树木以防有人窥视。Pitt wolfed a peanut butter sandwich.皮特狼吞虎咽地吃掉了一个花生酱三明治。Pete Chambers is a canny fellow. Not one to miss an opportunity.皮特·钱伯斯是个精明的家伙,不是会错过机会的那种人。Pete was so depressed after his girlfriend left him that I actually thought he was suicidal.皮特自女朋友离开后情绪就非常低落,实际上,我认为他有自杀倾向。Pete attempted to wriggle through the gap.皮特试图扭动身体穿过缝隙。He turned on Pete and accused him of being mixed up in drugs.他怒斥皮特,指责他沾染毒品。She had not been friendly to Pete and he, in his turn, was cold to her when she came to stay.她对皮特不太友好,而她来住的时候皮特对她也很冷淡。Pete got on his horse and started trotting across the field.皮特跨上马,开始在田野间小跑起来。Pitt worked as a medical illustrator before turning to fine art.皮特改行搞美术之前是医学书籍的插图画家。Pete punted us back to the boatyard.皮特用方头平底船把我们载回了船坞。Pete didn't get much money when he sold his car.皮特的车没有卖多少钱。Pete turned out to be a real lowlife.皮特原来是个十足的恶棍。Henry Tippett showed remarkable flair as a hotelier.亨利·蒂皮特表现出了旅店经营者的卓越才能。Pete gobbled all the beef stew.皮特狼吞虎咽,把炖牛肉吃了个精光。It'll be hard to find someone to fill Pete's shoes.很难找到合适的人接替皮特的工作。Pete was trimming the lawn around the roses.皮特在修剪玫瑰丛周围的草坪。The police busted Pete last night, but he was clean.警察昨夜搜查了皮特,可是未搜出他有任何违禁品。I do vaguely remember, now that Kerry mentions it, that Pete was at the party.克丽提起了我才隐约想起来,皮特是参加了那次聚会。You can chat to Brad Pitt live this evening.今晚你可以与布拉德·皮特在网上实时交谈。Pete was telling them an anecdote about their mother.皮特正在给他们讲一件他们母亲的趣闻。Pete's assignment was hard but he saw it out to the end.皮特做的事很难,但他坚持把它完成。




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