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词汇 蜥蜴
例句 Lizards were basking in the morning sun.蜥蜴正在享受早晨的阳光。The lizards camouflage themselves by changing colour.蜥蜴会变颜色伪装自己。The lizard's tail can regenerate.蜥蜴的尾巴能够再生。The lizard is able to regenerate its tail.蜥蜴能够重新长出尾巴。The rocks get warmer in the sun and the lizards come out to lie on them.岩石被太阳晒得暖和了,一条条蜥蜴爬出来躺在上面。The slow-worm is in fact not a snake but a legless lizard.蛇蜥其实不是蛇,而是无脚的蜥蜴Snakes and lizards are cold-blooded animals.蛇和蜥蜴都是冷血动物。They fled like lizards into crannies in the rocks.他们像蜥蜴一样逃进了岩石的裂缝里。Lizards live mostly in warm climates.蜥蜴主要生长在气候温暖的地方。I don't mind lizards, but snakes are a different matter.我不怕蜥蜴,但蛇就不同了。I tramped down the thistles and thought a few trembling thoughts about snakes and lizards.我踩踏着蓟草,脑海中泛起蛇和蜥蜴那些叫人不寒而栗的东西。The lizard darted its tongue at the insect.蜥蜴嗖地向小虫吐出舌头。The lizard's body is thin and elongated, enabling it to squeeze into cracks and crevices.蜥蜴的身体又细又长,使它能够钻进大大小小的缝隙中去。A lizard can regenerate its tail.蜥蜴的尾巴可以再生。Confident in its camouflage, being the same colour as the rocks, the lizard stands still when it feels danger.由于和岩石颜色一样,蜥蜴对自己的保护色充满信心;遇到危险时,它便一动不动。Snakes, lizards, and crocodiles are reptiles.蛇、蜥蜴和鳄鱼是爬行动物。He was a frightening lizard of a man, and my skin crawled with fear of him.他是个像蜥蜴那样可憎的人,我见了他怕得皮肤都起鸡皮疙瘩。A lizard's tail will regenerate if it's cut off.蜥蜴的尾巴如被切除会重新长出。




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