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词汇 蜜蜂
例句 Honey is produced by bees.蜜是由蜜蜂酿造的。He could hear the hum of the bees in the garden.他听得见花园里蜜蜂的嗡嗡声。Remove the bee sting with tweezers.用镊子拔掉蜜蜂的螫刺。Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂My leg smarted from the bee sting.我的腿被蜜蜂螫伤而痛得厉害。The hive was swarming with bees.蜂巢内外都是密密麻麻的蜜蜂Don't get into the line of flight of the bees-you'd be sure to get stung.不要挡着蜜蜂飞行的路线,不然你肯定要被蜇的。A dark cloud of bees comes swarming out of the hive.黑压压的一大群蜜蜂从蜂巢中涌出。Do all types of bee sting?所有种类的蜜蜂都蜇人吗?Lavender attracts bees.薰衣草很招蜜蜂In tests, the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away.在多次试验中,放置于一英里以外田野中的蜜蜂都能飞回蜂巢。The picnickers were annoyed by the bees.那些野餐的人受到了蜜蜂的滋扰。Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect.蜜蜂之间所用的交流方式是昆虫中最为复杂的方式之一。The bee turns nectar into honey.蜜蜂把花蜜转化为蜂蜜。Honeybees are a common pollinator of flowers.蜜蜂是常见的花卉传粉者。Tomorrow the human hive would drone again.明天,人们又要像蜜蜂似地喧闹忙碌起来。Bees fertilize the flowers by bringing pollen.蜜蜂通过传播花粉使花朵受粉。He is knowledgeable about the biology of the honeybee.他对蜜蜂的生活规律知之甚多。Bees will often build their nests in decayed wood.蜜蜂经常在腐朽的木头里筑巢。Bees and wasps both sting, but they have other similarities, too.蜜蜂和黄蜂都螫人,但它们还有其他相似之处。Bees are playing about flowers.蜜蜂在花间飞舞。His arm was covered with bee stings.他的手臂上满是蜜蜂的蜇伤。The bees were flitting from flower to flower.蜜蜂在花丛中飞来飞去。To keep their bees from wandering, beekeepers feed them sugar solutions.为了防止蜜蜂迷路 ,养蜂人给它们喝糖水。The scent of flowers acts as a magnet to bees.花的香味像磁石一样吸引着蜜蜂He smoked the bees out of their nest.他用烟把蜜蜂熏出蜂窝。A bee buzzed in my ear.一只蜜蜂在我耳边嗡嗡叫。The bees will sting if you bother them.如果你招惹蜜蜂,它们会蜇你的。Bees murmur by the small square window over the sink.蜜蜂在水槽上方的方形小窗旁嗡嗡直叫。Propolis is a hard resinous substance made by bees from the juices of plants.蜂胶是蜜蜂用植物汁液合成的像树脂一样的物质。All the bees in the colony are genetically related.同一群体的蜜蜂都有亲缘关系。If you want a book about bees, try this one.你如果想看有关蜜蜂的书,不妨读读这一本。The bees spend the summer collecting nectar and turning it into honey.蜜蜂夏天采集花蜜并将它酿成蜂蜜。Bees were swarming near the hive.蜜蜂在蜂巢附近成群地飞舞。Butterflies, flies, and bees pollinate flowers.蝴蝶、苍蝇和蜜蜂都传授花粉。He's completed his doctorate on bees.他完成了研究蜜蜂的博士学位。Some dratted raccoons have eaten up my honeybees.几头可恶的浣熊把我的蜜蜂吃光了。Bees are social insects.蜜蜂是群居昆虫。The plants/flowers are pollinated by bees.那些植物/花靠蜜蜂传粉。Bees pollenized the fruit trees.蜜蜂给果树传粉。




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