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词汇 虚伪
例句 For them to attack the Liberals for racism is nauseating hypocrisy.他们攻击自由党搞种族歧视是令人作呕的虚伪行径。The clamour to draw a veil over the minister's extra-marital activities reeks of hypocrisy.想要掩饰部长婚外情的喧嚣叫嚷之声让人倍感虚伪Their accusations of corruption are hypocritical - they have been just as corrupt themselves.他们对腐败的指控非常虚伪——他们自己也一样腐败。Rosa thought the man was ignorant, rude, and hypocritical.罗莎认为这个男人无知,粗鲁而且虚伪He looks totally phoney to me.在我看来,他非常虚伪Their cheerfulness seemed rather strained and artificial.他们的高兴表情看上去非常做作虚伪There was no false modesty in her victory speech.她的获胜演讲中没有虚伪的谦辞。He accused newspapers of hypocrisy in their treatment of the story.他指责了报纸在报道该新闻时的虚伪His behaviour does rather savour of hypocrisy.他的行为相当虚伪The whole thing reeks of hypocrisy.整件事显然透着虚伪To disguise expediency as justice is hypocrisy.把谋私利说成行使正义乃是虚伪He is now more of a hypocrite than ever before.他现在比以前更虚伪了。Society, he claims, is built on falsity and pretence.他宣称,社会是建立在虚伪和矫饰的基础上的。Teenagers often have a keen awareness of their parents' hypocrisies.青少年常对自己父母的虚伪有敏锐的感知。He claims disingenuously to have supported the plan from the beginning.虚伪地声称他从一开始就支持那个计划。She came to execrate the hypocritical values of her upper-class upbringing.她开始痛斥上流社会教给自己的那些虚伪的价值观。He thinks politicians are just a bunch of crooks.他认为政客们不过是一帮虚伪之人。And all this praise just because the poor man has died - doesn't it strike you as a bit insincere?所有这些赞扬仅仅是因为这可怜的人已经去世了——你不觉得这有点虚伪吗?It's hypocritical of these universities to call their football players student-athletes.这些大学称自己的美式足球队员是学生运动员,真虚伪That suggestion smacks of hypocrisy.那个建议似乎有点虚伪Such hypocrisy is morally indefensible.这样的虚伪在道德上是不可原谅的。Mr. Eves lit into him for supposed hypocrisy.伊夫斯先生认为他虚伪,对他大加痛斥。That stupid affected laugh of hers really annoys me.她愚蠢而虚伪的笑声着实惹恼了我。Her strongest criticism was reserved for the prime minister whom she accused of "nauseating hypocrisy".她对首相的批评最为激烈,指责他“虚伪得令人作呕”。The Lyles are an unpleasantly hypocritical pair.莱尔斯夫妇虚伪得令人讨厌。What a slimy, horrible man.虚伪,多可怕的人啊。That suggestion savors of hypocrisy.那个建议有点虚伪If there's one thing I can't stand, it's hypocrisy.如果有一件事我不能容忍的话,那就是虚伪He asserted that Canadian society is hypocritical, culturally constipated, and sexually inhibited.他声称加拿大社会虚伪、文化受限而且性压抑。I had to leave him - I couldn't go on living a lie.我得离开他一我不能继续过着虚伪的生活。Ella's enthusiasm rang false.埃拉的热情让人觉得虚伪She expressed her intense loathing of/for his hypocrisy.她对他的虚伪表达了强烈的反感。I knew that I could not continue to live a lie.我知道我不能继续过虚伪的生活了。There's one rule for her and another rule for everyone else and it's sheer hypocrisy.对她是一种标准,而对所有其他人是另一种标准,这是彻头彻尾的虚伪Is hypocrisy the canker of our society?虚伪是我们社会的弊端吗? I would just like to say that this is the most hypocritical thing I have ever heard in my life.我只想说这是我这辈子听说过的最虚伪的事情。I challenged him on the hypocrisy of his political attitudes.我就他虚伪的政治态度质问他。He is a hypocrite to tell us not to smoke while he himself is a chain-smoker.他好虚伪,自己是个烟鬼,却叫我们别抽烟。The Heidlers are an unpleasantly hypocritical pair.海德勒夫妇很虚伪,很让人讨厌。I suddenly realized what a phoney he is.我忽然认识到他是多么虚伪




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