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词汇 藏书
例句 The British Library holds its collection in trust for the nation.大不列颠图书馆为国家保存被托管藏书I was just admiring your collection of books.我正在欣赏你的藏书The family possessed an extensive library.这个家庭有大量的藏书What's the size of his book collection?他的藏书有多少? Her extensive library spoke of her love of reading.藏书范围之广表明她很爱读书。He gave his books to the library.他把他的藏书赠送给图书馆。We made an inventory of the library's collection.我们列了一份图书馆藏书的清单。A date stamp inside the front cover of a library book shows when it should be returned.图书馆藏书封面上的日期戳标明了应还书日期。This book is the jewel of my collection.这部书是我全部藏书中最珍贵的一本。The British Library holds its collection in trust for the nation.不列颠图书馆受托为国家保管藏书The library is richly equipped with books.该图书馆藏书颇丰。Choose any book you like from my collection.在我的藏书中间任挑一本你喜欢的。Professor Hunter has a library of about five thousand books.汉特教授约有五千册藏书The books in the library are divided into fiction and non-fiction.该图书馆内的藏书分成小说类和非小说类。He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.他买了一座大房子来放他的藏书The library has an extensive collection of books on Chinese history.该图书馆有大量关于中国历史的藏书If you type in the title, the computer tells you how many copies the library has, and whether they're out on loan.如果你键入书名,电脑会告诉你图书馆有多少本藏书,以及是否外借出去了。His love for literature is manifest in his large library.从他的大量藏书中就可以看出他对文学的热爱。The library is well stored with books.这个图书馆藏书丰富。He was in charge of foreign accessions at the Bodleian Library.他负责牛津大学图书馆外文新增藏书There is a new catalogue of all the books in the library.图书馆里有新编的藏书总目录。I went and got a library book about it.我去借了一本有关这个方面的图书馆藏书He has enough books to fill a library.他的藏书足以装满一个图书馆。




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