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词汇 薪水
例句 Salary will be commensurate with age and experience.薪水将与年龄和经验挂钩。Her salary in no way matched her fame.她的薪水与她的名声一点也不相称。 They've worked for about two weeks without a paycheck.他们已经工作了两个星期左右,却没有拿到一点儿薪水He was given a miserly raise.他的薪水稍稍涨了一点。She was dissatisfied with her salary.她对自己的薪水不满意。The subject of salaries didn't come up.没有谈到薪水的事。In addition to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips.除了每周的薪水外,我还能得到不少小费。What does the salary work out as per month?薪水折算到每个月是多少?This new career doesn't pay nearly as well as the old one.这份新工作的薪水还不如原来那份多。The job is well paid.这份工作薪水很高。I've just been paid so I'm feeling flush.我刚领了薪水,所以感觉挺有钱的。Her boss gave her a hefty raise.她的老板给她加了很多薪水The firm has been dismissing experienced staff and replacing them with younger people on lower salaries.公司在解雇经验丰富的员工,并以较低的薪水雇用年轻人取代他们。I was lucky enough to snare a job with a good salary and benefits.我很幸运地获得一份薪水福利都不错的工作。He's always moaning about his salary.他总是抱怨自己的薪水My salary won't stretch to a bigger car.我的薪水买不起更大的车。I need an advance on my salary.我需要预支薪水My father explained that his salary had been frozen and we would have to tighten our belts for a while.我父亲解释他的薪水遭到冻结,我们只能节衣缩食一阵子了。His father found him a cushy job in the office, with almost nothing to do and a big salary.他父亲给他在办事处找了份轻松的工作,几乎无所事事却薪水丰厚。He had the audacity to ask for an increase in salary.他竟然厚著脸皮要求增加薪水I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists.我写此信是为了回应你那篇探讨科学家薪水的文章。Do you think we are paid in proportion to the hours we work?你认为我们的薪水与工作时间相称吗? With Betty's salary they barely made ends meet.加上贝蒂的薪水,他们仅能勉强维持生计。Lee is one of the highest-paid financial journalists in the country.李是该国薪水最高的财经记者之一。Some firms have cut workers' pay below the level set in their contract, a practice that is illegal in Germany.一些公司把工人薪水减至低于合同规定的水平,这种做法在德国是非法的。When you reckon in all my overtime, my total pay is quite good.要是把我的加班费也算进去的话,我总的薪水还是不少的。His salary equals mine.他的薪水和我的一样。Murray left the company after he fell out with the chairman over his salary.默里因为薪水的事和董事长闹崩了,之后离开了公司。He picked the wrong time to bring up his salary.他不合时宜地提起他的薪水问题。He was the highest-paid sub-editor in Fleet Street.他是英国报界薪水最高的副编辑。He has a six-figure salary. 他有六位数的薪水The massive boardroom pay awards were criticized by the workers.董事们薪水过高,受到了工人的批评。He could earn twice his present salary at the new job.做这份新工作他的薪水会比现在多一倍。The company's executives earn obscene salaries.公司主管们的薪水高得惊人。The pay has always been wretched.薪水总是少得可怜。Salaries are adjusted for inflation.薪水根据通货膨胀的情况作调整。The directors of this company feel he's worth every penny.这家公司的主管们觉得他配得上那么高的薪水It is a mystery to me how he can live so well on such a small salary.他靠这么微薄的薪水竟可以过这种阔绰的生活,这对我来说是个谜。Richard has a comfortable income from his salary and his investments.理查德的薪水和投资加在一起,收入很可观。This job stinks: stupid boss, hard work, and low pay.这个工作差劲透顶:老板笨,工作苦,薪水又低。




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