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词汇 蔬菜
例句 This is how I make a vegetable curry.这就是咖喱蔬菜的做法。Fried bean sprouts is his favorite vegetable dish.炒豆芽是他最喜欢吃的蔬菜This pan is used for sautéing, or frying, the vegetables.这种锅是用来炒或者说油煎蔬菜的。Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter.蔬菜相比,肉类在消化道中停留的时间更长。We visited the local markets and saw wonderful arrays of fruit and vegetables.我们去了当地的市场,看见了一排排摆放整齐的水果和蔬菜One can find quite a lot of vegetables here — among others, cabbages, potatoes and beans.这里蔬菜相当多,包括大白菜、土豆和豆荚。The major part of the garden was given over to growing vegetables.园子的大部分地方都用来种蔬菜Heavy rains were responsible for the shortage of vegetables.大雨是蔬菜短缺的原因。The meal itself was not so good. Everything was boringly brown including the vegetables.这顿饭本身就不太好吃。所有的菜都是令人倒胃口的褐色,包括蔬菜Their food is adequate. It includes meat at least every other day, vegetables and fruit.他们的伙食足够丰富了,有蔬菜、水果,而且至少每隔一天吃一次肉。Most people need to increase their daily consumption of fruit and vegetables.大多数人需要增加每天水果和蔬菜的食用量。Cheese can be sprinkled on egg or vegetable dishes.奶酪可以撒在鸡蛋或蔬菜做的菜肴上。These vegetables are high in nitrogen.这些蔬菜含氮量高。I hate overcooked vegetables.我不喜欢吃烧过头的蔬菜The farm always gives first dibs on its vegetables to local families. 农场总是先把蔬菜卖给当地的家庭。You can serve the chicken with a crispy stir fry of mixed vegetables.鸡肉可以配一道松脆的杂炒蔬菜Your fruit and vegetables will be weighed at the checkout.你的水果和蔬菜将在付款处过磅。Be a good boy and eat up your vegetables.好孩子,乖,把蔬菜都吃了。Heat some oil in a wok, then add the vegetables and stir-fry for two minutes.锅里放些油并加热,然后再加入蔬菜翻炒两分钟。People need to change their eating habits and include more fruit and vegetables in their diet.人们需要改变饮食习惯,多吃水果和蔬菜The restaurant uses fruit and vegetables that are grown locally.这家商店所有的水果和蔬菜都是当地出产的。We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil.我们用少量油将蔬菜很快一炒。Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender.蔬菜上锅蒸或用微波炉加热,直至变软。Put both vegetables into a bowl and crush with a potato masher.把这两样蔬菜都放进一个碗里,然后用捣土豆器把它们捣碎。The vegetables were poached in chicken broth.蔬菜在鸡汤里煮过了。Heat the vegetables last thing so that they don't get cold.蔬菜最后再热,这样就不会放凉了。Fruit and vegetables are sold by weight.水果和蔬菜是按重量出售的。He has a preference for fruit over vegetables.比之蔬菜,他更喜欢吃水果。Grain products, vegetables, and fruit are important parts of a varied diet.谷物、蔬菜和水果是多样化饮食的重要组成部分。The vegetables were overcooked and tasteless, and cold to boot.蔬菜煮过头了,淡而无味,而且还是凉的。An abundance of fruits and vegetables grow in Kenya's temperate climate.肯尼亚气候温和,出产大量水果和蔬菜These vacuum-packed vegetables can keep their freshness for a long time.这些真空包装的蔬菜可以保鲜很久。The vegetables can be prepared the day before.蔬菜可以提前一天准备好。Our chef was never happy until the arrangement of vegetables on each plate was just right.只有每只盘子上的蔬菜都布置得一丝不差,我们的厨师长才会满意。The meat was very good, but the vegetables were rather a mixed bag.肉很好,但蔬菜却好坏参差不齐。Fresh fruit and vegetables have become a comparative rarity in the region.新鲜水果和蔬菜在该地区已经变得相对稀罕。Their diet was often supplemented by home-grown vegetables.他们的日常食谱常添有自家种的蔬菜The meal itself was not so good — everything was boringly brown including the vegetables.这顿饭本身就不太好吃。所有的菜都是清一色令人倒胃口的褐色,包括蔬菜You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre, e.g. fruit, vegetables, and bread.你应当多吃些富含纤维的食物,例如水果、蔬菜和面包。Vegetables are selling at a high price.蔬菜正以高价出售。




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